Assignment 2 Alicia DeMarco CSC /6/07
Blogs are like diaries, they are entries written in order to share information. Some common topics of blogs may be food, politics, news, or personal situations. The name “blog” comes from fusing the two words web and log together. Blogs contain text, pictures and even videos and music. Readers are able to leave comments on another persons blog. This is a very important part of blogging.
White papers are reports that can help people make decisions. They are sometimes used to collect leads for a company (Wikipedia). Government policy can be outlined using white papers. White papers focus on the needs of the readers. White papers could be very persuasive and therefore it is necessary to be very careful when creating them.
A download is data received from a remote or central system. Many websites have media that is downloaded everyday. Some sites say that downloading is restricted but technically that just means saving the download is restricted because the file has already been downloaded. (Wikipedia)
Webcasts are live media files that are distributed over the internet. Some “webcasters” are TV and radio stations. People also webcast from their homes and they cover interests and topics daily. Netcast is another name for webcast. Users must have the appropriate multimedia applications to view a webcast (
A case study involves an in depth study of a particular topic. Also can be defined as a detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of medical, psychiatric, psychological, or social phenomena ( In addition it is a detailed intensive study of a unit, such as a corporation or a corporate division, that stresses factors contributing to its success or failure. (
A podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers (Wikipedia). Podcast is the combinati0n of the words “ipod” and “broadcast.” A podcast is distinguished from other digital media formats by its ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new content is added, using an aggregator or feed reader (Wikipedia).
A chat room is a Web site, part of a Web site, or part of an online service, that provides a venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time (Wikipedia). They allow users to communicate with each other in real time (or live), as opposed to the delayed time you get with . A user enters a chat room, types a message into the computer, and sends it, and it is instantly displayed on the screens of the other users in the chat room.
Electronic mail. Mail composed and transmitted on a computer system or network (Google). A system of exchanging messages by means of computers attached to a network (Google). Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. can also be sent automatically to a large number of addresses (Google). Sending out spam or soliciting through is strictly prohibited.