There are always jobs out there Whether you can find them depends on your methods of job-hunting
Mail out resumes at random (7% success) Answering ads in professional or trade journals (7%) Answering non-local newspaper ads (10%) Answering local newspaper ads (5-24%) Going to private employment agencies (5-24%)
Ask for job leads (33% success rate) Knocking on door of prospective employer (47%) Creative Approach to Job-Hunting (86%)
Employers value experience – all experience. Think about the skills you have learned from all of your casual and part-time jobs – these are transferable skills and can be built into your resume.
Look for interesting positions, for the language used in job ads, for names of companies who advertise the jobs that interest you
70% of jobs are not advertised but are filled through networking.
Think of a REFERENCE
Take advantage of all learning opportunities that are offered at your educational institution – you may not get credits for them but they will help you get a job.
This includes all part-time and casual work and work experience
Keep updating your resume! That way it’s ready at short notice. Use a Portfolio approach so you can so you can include examples of your work (if appropriate).
Employers are looking for people who have good results/comments. Communication/Leadership etc
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