By: Shelbi Miller
Internet safety is very important, and should be a priority for teachers in their classrooms!
The following are some internet safety tips that could be used in your classroom. Do not open unknown s. Do not stay on the internet for more than an hour, it will rot your brain. Do not meet with someone you have met over the internet. Keep the computer in a family room or another open area of your home. Have children use child-friendly search engines when completing homework.
Here are more great safety tips! Know who children are exchanging with, and only let them use chat areas when you can supervise. Geek Patrol recommends limiting chat room access to child-friendly chat sites. Be aware of any other computers that your child may be using. Internet accounts should only be in the parent’s name with parents having the primary screen name, controlling passwords, and using blocking and/or filtering devices. Children should not complete a profile for a service provider and children’s screen names should be nondescript so as not to identify that the user is a child.
When we teach our students internet safety, we will have created a safe learning environment for our students!
Sources Cited Page tips/tips-for-kids.php tips/tips-for-kids.php