UK GOVERNMENTS Dr Maurice Mullard 13 November 2007
Aftermath of war The Attlee Government priority of nationalisation Welfare reform health, education and social security Post war austerity ration cards Sterling devaluation Empire and the USA
Conservative Governments Butskellite Consensus Prices and Incomes Boards concerns with inflation Commitment to full employment Housing for all Industrial Charter Butler MacMillan and the Middle Way
Back to Labour 1964 Wilson The White Heat Revolution breaking with the past Investment in higher Education Trade Unions misbehaving In Place of Strife The Crosland influence
Heath The Quiet Revolution End of subsidies and lame ducks Trade Unions Act 1972 a case study in Industrial relations Unemployment reaches 1 million
Wilson Callaghan the end of consensus End of a Keynesian era limits of demand management and full employment Trade unions and the social contract Taxation and public spending The Thatcher Revolution
Contours of the post war No return to unemployment of the 1930s employment a priority Housing the aftermath of war Trade unions Poverty and welfare reform Income inequality
The Political Parties Labour break with nationalisation the influence of Crosland Conservatives new image the middle way’ Disillusionment with what
Economic constraints Stop and go sterling as a constraint Devaluation Economic decline unable to compete Living standards Manufacturing Decline of industrial communities Race and immigration
Contours of social change Post war expectations stable communities New folk devils worry about violence Women break with service society Child benefits