APPEC News Stavros Katsanevas APPEC chair Bonn-RECFA 10 May 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

APPEC News Stavros Katsanevas APPEC chair Bonn-RECFA 10 May 2014

Short history of Astroparticle Physics Coordination

APPEC is the European consortium of ministries, funding agencies, or their designated national institutions active in astroparticle physics Based on an MoU signed by 17 partners (November 6, 2013): FRS-FNRS, FWO (Belgium); CSF (Croatia); CEA, CNRS (France); DESY [BMBF], KIT [Helmholz Association] (Germany); RIA (Ireland); INFN (Italy); FOM (Netherlands); NCN (Poland); IFIN-HH (Romania); LSC [MINECO] (Spain); SNSF (Switzerland); STFC (UK); VR (Sweden); JINR (Dubna); Observer: ESO, (CERN?)

International Contact, Computing, and Industrial Relations International Contact, Computing, and Industrial Relations Networking, Theory and Education centre Strategic Actions, Interdisciplinarity and Outreach Electronic Tools and Web

Stavros Katsanevas Thomas Berghöfer Web Centre (LSC) 7 officers + annual common fund of about 50-60k€ Antonio Masiero

3 news items related to RECFA: – Roadmapping with constant budget Expect a document by the end of 2014 – Host an international coordination meeting on neutrino seed of a future coordination structure? – Horizon 2020 Organised 2 large meetings (attendance 150: DESY, APC) Proposals submitted or in the process of writing – CLUSTER, COFUND, e-infradev – IA(I3) underground labs and gravitational waves (September 2014) – ITN doctorates for underground labs (submitted) – Also FETs, other ITNS, ERCs etc.

APP or promoting the unity of physics Going up and down the cosmic ladder The Astroparticle domain after LHC/PLANCK/BICEP2/ ν results can be reduced to 2 fundamental questions: 1)Are there any intermediate scales between the EW scale and Inflation ? If yes how many and where are they ? Inflation, dark energy and matter Neutrino properties and proton decay 2)Are there new energy scales at work in the most violent phenomena of the Universe? How do particles and fields shape the formation and evolution of cosmic structures ? High energy photons, neutrinos, CR Gravitational waves Cosmic ladder Planck-Scale Grand Unification Leptogenesis Dark Matter scale Fermi-Scale Higgs

Going up and down the cosmic ladder An example (out of many): Bezrukov-Shaposhnikov: νMSSM Or “The Higgs field is the inflaton” 3 neutrinos solving problems of dark matter, leptogenesis … « Si non e vero e ben trovato »

Summary of the roadmap statements of November 2011, specified in January 2013 as input to the European Strategy of Particle Physics APPEC supports: I.In the category of medium scale projects: the timely completion of the 2 nd generation upgrades of gravitational wave antennas, as well as the upgrades/constructions towards ton-scale detectors for dark matter and double-beta neutrino mass experiments. II.In the category of large-scale projects a high priority is given to the construction of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), and strong support for the first phase of KM3NeT, as well as R&D towards the definition of the next generation ground-based observatory for high energy cosmic rays. III.Finally there needs to be coordination with other European/non-European organizations for the realization of billion-euro scale projects at the 2020 horizon, in particular a kt scale low-energy LBL and neutrino astrophysics/proton-decay detector. Other projects on this cost scale are dark energy surveys on ground and in space, and in a longer perspective gravitational wave antennas with cosmological sensitivity on ground and in space QUESTION: CAN WE AFFORD THIS ROADMAP BUDGET-WISE ?

Difficulties of making a “distributed” roadmap, what is one to suppose for the budget? Astroparticle Budget in APPEC agencies in 2009  71.8 M€ APPEC SAC redoes the exercise for 2013 Since then, increases but also decreases, is 70 M€ a valid baseline as a yearly average ? Are the criteria totally consistent? certain that no salaries included, no regional funds, no space-agency funds....?  Submit to the APPEC GA the results for approval of a yearly baseline to be used for extrapolations by 18 th of June 2014  Deliver a roadmap on constant and realistic budget before the end of 2014

ASTROPARTICLE ROADMAP as drafted by the APPEC SAC in Cracow April Having examined the evolution of the current program and future intentions (reduced in scope by their own proposers for some) Supposing a yearly 70 M€/year for the next 10 1 st order a complete program on constant budget seems possible. Need to decide on middle-scale pan-european efforts (e.g. DM, 2b) by LHC input, advances in neutrino coordination, results from 1 ton DM,…

A meeting involving world-wide agency responsibles to set-up instruments for the follow- up and encouragement of global convergence Agencies P5 ICFA

Horizon 2020 – Infradev-4 CLUSTER ASTERICS (E-ELT, SKA, CTA, KM3NEt, GW,ASTRONET,…), Sep2014 (15 ME) Data challenge: petascale DB, new technologies (GPU,multicore), frameworks,,..) Virtual Observatory S&T: Time sync (White Rabbit), Alerts, remote monitoring, intelligent networks… Networking and Policy (Multimessenger, institutional matters, internationalisation, interdisciplinarity) – COFUND (50% agencies, 50% EU), oct2014 (10 ME) Network of Astroparticle and Cosmology theory positions  50 /year x 5 years = 250 (125 funded by EU) Coordinator P. Binetruy – e-infradev Sep2014, Jan2015 Synergies with particle physics in the context of EU-T0

Research Environment for Distributed Large Data Sets (APPEC meeting Bologna/CNAF minutes  EU-T0) Virtual research environment that would be able to treat the large distributed data sets and simulations of Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics and Geoscience and Climate sciences, using the new computer architectures. These areas have the following common features: NEW TECHNOLOGIES. They are facing the challenge of porting their virtual research environment to new multiprocessor or multicore technologies necessary both for storage retrieval as well as analysis and simulation of the data. HTC/HPC. They will need to use a mixture of HTC (high throughput) and HPC (high performance) methods and will applications that make the hardware implementation transparent to the user. EXASCALE INTELLIGENT STORAGE. In terms of data storage they are in the 100 PB scale and by the end of H2020 will have moved to the exascale. The storage will be distributed in different locations and analysis programs close to the data will be needed. INTELLIGENT NETWORKING. The accesses should benefit from underlying database system and wide-band networks with enhanced computational capabilities. Rigorous provenance recording ID would have to be developed in order to keep track of the different parts of the dataset.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF EVENTS. They together cover a large spectrum of types of analysis, from the signal or event type linear one (particle and some astroparticle physics) to analyses using a large part of the collected data concurrently (large image processing) and therefore any transversal solutions can become relevant for many other fields beyond the ones above, chosen as typical examples. Graphics rendering of very large data sets is also another challenge. DISTRIBUTED DATA MANAGEMENT. The distributed character of the data also prompts to the preparation of data management and analysis programs robust to the fact that there will be shared and opportunistic resources provided through a variety of interfaces, including interfaces to clouds. NEW WORKFLOW ARCHITECTURES. They benefited up to now with large and innovative architectures (the Grid, Virtual Observatories), analysis frameworks (ROOT) and simulation frameworks (GEANT, cosmological and MHD simulations) may become a limiting factor in the future if they are not ported to new computer architectures. In this domain a fruitful dialog with existing globalising efforts by industry (e.g. Google-R) can be developped. SIMULATIONS/OBERVATIONS. For these fields, comparing simulations with observations play a crucial role in interpretation of experiments, and simulations are needed to help design new instruments. TRAINING. They need to develop and support software that will run with optimal efficiency on future computer architectures while insuring that developers and users have the training necessary to deal with the increasingly complex software environments and computing systems that will be used in the future.