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ETNEWS Introduction Electronic Times Internet was founded and developed by the ETnews, the internet new media department in The Electronic Times, the most prominent daily newspaper specializing information technology in Korea, for the purpose of providing a variety of IT portal services on the internet. After changing its name from 'ETnews' to 'Electronic Times Internet', ETnews has concentrated its efforts on providing diverse IT based online services as well as making IT-news available on the internet from The Electronic Times in print. As the nation's best IT specialized portal, ETnews will continue to provide speedy and accurate news and analysis on a world wide base. ETnews will keep trying to become the world's best IT portal and information resources servicing every digital information all over the world. ELECTRONIC TIMES INTERNET CO., LTD. Chief Exacutive Officer Mr. Keum, Ki-hyun #701, World Meridian Venture Center 2 nd, 426-5, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, , Republic of Korea TEL FAX Founded : Mar 18 th, 2000 IT News service, DB sales Shopping info. - shopping journal ’Buzz’ Online & Offline Media agency Internet shopping mall management Lead-gen Marketing - Microsite IT Cooperation : Job, Game, Fair, Education, CEO info. Main Business
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Traffic Information PAGE VIEW : 35,000,000 monthly VISITORS : 500,000 daily UNIQUE VISITORS : 350,000 daily Membership : 505,000 eDM receivers : 160,000 GENDER AGE IT JOB REGION Members Information Seoul : 51.9% Chungcheong, Daejeon : 4.1% Kang-won, etc. : 2.0% Jeolla, Gwangju : 2.3% Gyeongsang, Busan : 10.9% Gyeonggi : 28.8%
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S-1 Top Ad. PositionEvery Section list page Dimensions680x90 Pixels CostUS $7,000/Month S- 2 Section-Middle Box Ad. PositionEvery Section list page Dimensions378x100 Pixels CostUS $2,000/Month DISPLAY AD. All banner ads on ETNews website are provided by 'Refresh' method. Multiple banners are shown at the same position. The Materials should be produced by Advertiser. All the Ads should run over a week.
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So Min-Young T : E : ETNEWS Marketing Department