Chapter 1: New world, new web, new skills Valerie Kryc Devorah Shiffman Michael Abbott
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New World Technology has allowed corporations increased flexibility, helpful cost cutting techniques and the overall ability to save time. The ability to create and share on the web has allowed for millions of people around the world to become active and involved in an ever changing environment.
New World: Educational considerations Technology has become an intricate part of our future students lives. The use of new technologies increases student motivation and allows them to become more engaged in their learning environment. As teachers, it is important to keep up with the constant change in technology and on the web to help our students be more prepared for potential challenges in the future.
Economics 102 Purpose of education is to prepare competent employees Students must learn to remain competitive in an ever-changing world. The East is gaining ground and making more advancements in the west.
Friedman’s 3 World “Flatteners” The new technologies and the new processes made possible or enhanced by these technologies. New ways of working and a new playing field for doing business. New set of people that have emerged onto the playing field and want to work
Economics 102 Companies spread their business throughout the world 1 in every 10 computer jobs will move overseas in the next two years (cheaper and efficient) India, China, Russia are the leaders
Economics 102 Shift from “command and control” to “connect and collaborate” Videoconferencing, blogging, instant messaging, etc.
Education Many students interested in reaching the top of the business ladder have traveled here to learn. India, China, and South Korea had the highest representations of foreign students in “Outlearn the competition” History textbooks have shifted from “wars, dynasties, and revolutions to economics, technology, social customs, and globalization”
Expansions in Education South Korea: Open-source software Linux in India Who will be prepared for the 21 st century? How can we help them prepare? Universal access to broadband is important. Right now, South Korea is leading
New Web Web 2.0 is an invented term, when the Internet went from clicking and linking to creating and sharing New collection of Web-based tools Many are free, available to all Social networks, blogs, wikis, photo/video sharing sites
New Web Allows for collaboration online, using another party’s format for free “The net has replaced the PC as the platform that matters” Effective for business success as well as personal enjoyment
New Web Open and democratic Mostly free of charge Anyone may add volume to its knowledge Ex: Wikipedia Bloggers are especially important Opinions in political situations Tips for enjoyment Information and experiences Opinions about products and services
New Corporations New technologies are allowing for corporations to utilize globalization and outsourcing techniques to breakdown barriers between employees, partners and customers. Social networking: wikis, blogs, interactive profiles etc. Provide more fluent communication throughout the company Help search for possible employee candidates Learn more about the customer base as well
21 st Century Skills Students accept technology as part of their everyday life and use it without question whereas members of older generations and schools lag behind Everything is changing!
4 Categories of Skill Digital-Age Literacy Inventive Thinking Effective Communication High Productivity
21 st Century Skills Teachers need to help guide students to understanding these new tools Students will need these new skills to help them enter the work force if we do not teach it them and help them other Countries will advance further and further as America lags behind
Schools and Change New tools promote working with others, creativity and communication between students and their peers These new approaches helps students prepare for entering the work force
School and Change cont. New approaches encourage flexibility, change and teamwork Schools are used to help students adapt to changes that are made every day in the technology world.
The Tipping Point “the moment within an epidemic when everything can change” We can not just sit by and watch it happen we have to recognize and get involved as technology changes and advances
New Tools and Learning Programs which are similar to your typical Microsoft applications are now web based through the tools of Web 2.0 and many are free to use. Allowing for decreased expenses for schools However, not all aspects of Microsoft program are not featured within Web 2.0
Improvements (Figure 1.1 pg. 23) Web Based Collaborative Online Open source Shared content These changes are believed to be the wave of the future in that, online tools will become the norm when compared to offline programs. The first obstacle though, will be achieving a level of comfort by the user base.
Taking Advantage and Educating This change will be fast: Students will need to be introduced to these changes at a young age to help them adjust to new ways of communicating. Students will be able to interact easily and collaborate with one another. These tools will be the only way for our students to become competitive in their future.
Quiz Question In the school year, which country had the highest representation of foreign students in the U.S.? a. Japan b. South Korea c. India d. China
Answer In the school year, which country had the highest representation of foreign students in the U.S.? C. India
Quiz Question Why are consumer blogs so important for companies?
Answer Why are consumer blogs so important for companies? These blogs are written by consumers, and they can seriously aid or harm business depending on the satisfaction of the customer.
Quiz Question New technologies are allowing for corporations to utilize globalization and techniques to breakdown barriers between employees, partners and customers. a. Outsourcing b. Teaching c. Collaborative d. Money saving
Answer New technologies are allowing for corporations to utilize globalization and techniques to breakdown barriers between employees, partners and customers. A. Outsourcing
Quiz Question Which one of the following is not considered a benefit from using Web 2.0 Tools? a. It is web based b. Collaborative c. Everyone if familiar with it d. Applications are free
Answer Which one of the following is not considered a benefit from using Web 2.0 Tools? C. Everyone if familiar with it
Quiz Question Why is it so important for us to educate our students in Web 2.0 technologies? a. It’s fun to use b. Provides a competitive edge in the future c. They will work on their own d. They won’t need to be taught in the classroom.
Answer Why is it so important for us to educate our students in Web 2.0 technologies? B. Provides a competitive edge in the future
Quiz Question Which of the follow is not part of the 4 categories of 21 st Century Skills: A)High Productivity B) Inventive Thinking C) Knowledge of Computers D) Effective Communication
Answer Which of the follow is not part of the 4 categories of 21 st Century Skills: C) Knowledge of Computers
Quiz Question How often do students use technology? A) Everyday B) Once A Week C) 3-5 Times a Week D) Once A Month
Answer How often do students use technology? A) Everyday
Quiz Question In Schools, what do these new tools NOT encourage? A) Teamwork B) Sticking to what we know C) Creativity D) Flexibility
Answer In Schools, what do these new tools NOT encourage? B) Sticking to what we know
Quiz Question True or False. As teachers it is important that we get involved and help students as technology changes and advances.
Answer True or False. As teachers it is important that we get involved and help students as technology changes and advances. True