Zayed secondaru school was established 10 th group of Ulgii soum in BayanUlgii province in Zaed secondary school was established by to intitiate lapsed roving ambassador is Sairan to supported Zayed fund in United Arab Emirates
Zayed Secondary School has totally 45 staffs which included 26 teachers (17.3% - experienced, 5%- Methodist ). We are lively, energetic community. The 1-12 th grades study one shift and totally students are 274 students. Also each class has 25 students.
School building has 2 floors also students can be learn in other one shifts. Each class provided comfortable and sanitary conditions for students.
Each class participated actively in social activities and to fulfill the tasks in a timely as well as Each class group participated actively in social activities and to fulfill the tasks in a timely and helps to love and respect each other. We give knowledge like with international schools and raising students to competitively.
Teachers and students participated good to activities of outside the lessons. So most students spend more time on school. Each students have themselves clubs which in include sport, art, dance and music as well as additional lessons.
One teacher and One club This club aim is encourage social activities, creative mind, good character of personal person for students. One teacher and one club has 14 clubs and 85% students of all in school go to those clubs activities.
Students choose themselves professional and learn additional lessons according to professional and English lesson such as Chinese, Arabic lessons going to study every Saturday.
Students spent most time on clubs in School. Herein: paino, dancing, chess, national game, draughts, musical instrument with three strings, resembling lute etc. Activities of clubs in School
School was located in north edge of soum center. So school has dormitory with person’s capacity. Dormitory provided comfortable for students. Approximately 80 students of school go to the School by bus 6 times per day.
Will become one of the Leader schools in soum and province. will be search and find support to study own school’s graduated students for international countries. will be extend school’s building and to become modern library as well as art club. Will be increase book’s number of foreign and own language for school library. will be provide materials and equipment's for every lesson. will be put internet in School. Will be become more comportable big bus for students.
We are very happy to joined School links programme and linked with Khalzan soum’s School, good luck for your work.