UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Guidance and Indicator Package for Implementing Priority Five of the Hyogo Framework.


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Presentation transcript:

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Guidance and Indicator Package for Implementing Priority Five of the Hyogo Framework for Action: Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Dusan Zupka, Deputy Chief Emergency Preparedness Section OCHA

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Purpose I.Presentation of the Guidance and Indicator Package II.Ongoing roll out/ implementation activities III.Discussion on responsibilities of all humanitarian actors in furthering implementation of HFA 5, especially those who are members of the UN ISDR System

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Origin: a request from the IASC following the Kobe WCDR in 2005 for further guidance specifically on priority 5 Development was led by OCHA in collaboration with the ISDR Secretariat Process included many consultations and in particular a 2- day inter-agency workshop in November 2006 Many individuals and organisations, especially IASC members contributed substantially I. Presentation of the Guidance and Indicator Package

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Objective: to provide guidance for the implementation of HFA Priority 5 Target audience: Governments, local authorities, and other key stakeholders, including regional and international actors Intended to expand specifically on chapter 5 of “Words into Action” (UN/ISDR, 2007) Level of depth kept at a quite general level requiring to be adapted to each particular context with more concrete and detailed indicators based on existing level of preparedness and experience Can serve as « check-list » for a holistic preparedness planning process I. Presentation of the Guidance and Indicator Package Objective and audience

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) I. Presentation of the Guidance and Indicator Package Overall approach based on HFA Places disaster preparedness within a holistic risk reduction framework as called for by the HFA The HFA specifically calls for fostering this holistic approach by: –Promoting and supporting dialogue, exchange of information and coordination –At all levels among relevant agencies and institutions in charge of early warning, disaster risk reduction, disaster response, and development

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) I. Presentation of the Guidance and Indicator Package Structure 3 chapters, each part with indicators directed at Governments, civil society, regional organisations and international actors –Chapter 1: Holistic Approaches, Strategies, and Institutional Frameworks –Chapter 2: Key Components of Preparedness Planning –Chapter 3: Readiness for Response

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) i.Dissemination to key actors & translation ii.Awareness raising through presentations in appropriate national, regional and international coordination fora iii.Country level implementation through the support in organisation of planning workshops and follow up II. Ongoing roll out/ implementation activities

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) II. Ongoing roll out/ implementation activities Dissemination & translation To IASC agencies through message by Director of OCHA Gva, 3 July 08 To RC/HCs by joint letter by Director of OCHA Gva & Director of ISDR Secretariat – planned beginning of August To country level Humanitarian Partnership Teams/ Disaster Management Teams and national disaster management counterparts, through RC/HCs Translation into French and Spanish planned in the coming months

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) II. Ongoing roll out/ implementation activities Awareness raising Past activities: LAC region: Regional workshop of UNETT focal points in Panama in May 2008 Senegal (June 08) and Ghana (July 08): sensitisation during national contingency planning workshops Current: present briefing at IASC weekly meeting Planned for the rest of 2008: ADRC Annual Conference Indonesia, Asian DRR Ministerial Conference, Malaysia Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo, Central and Easter Africa – Inter Agency Preparedness Workshop Honduras, Mexico, Colombia

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) II. Ongoing roll out/ implementation activities Country level implementation So far: Uganda (March 2008): pilot testing of the GIP in a national disaster preparedness workshop (see at ) Nicaragua & Peru (June 2008): National preparedness planning workshops Objective of workshops: Elaboration of national disaster preparedness action plan, highlighting gaps and defining specific activities over a period of one to two years (see Uganda example) Key element: Participation and commitment of all key actors, incl. Government counterparts, relevant national and international NGOs, UN agencies and other IOs, donors, and other relevant actors Future plans: Honduras, Mexico, Colombia, Central and Eastern Africa, Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Key considerations: IASC WG and Principals have repeatedly confirmed their commitment to disaster risk reduction and preparedness April 2007, IASC Principals –“reaffirmed their commitment to the HFA and to increased efforts in support of national DRR capacities in a multi-sectoral way, with increased consultations and coordination within the IASC framework and active participation in the ISDR system” The 2 nd meeting of the Global Platform on DRR in 2009 will provide a key event for evaluating progress III. Responsibilities of IASC agencies and partners

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Humanitarian actors, in view of their crucial role in the area of preparedness, will be asked to account for their support in the implementation of HFA Priority 5 during the 2009 Global Platform Together with other existing guidance, the GIP provides the opportunity to follow a common approach in support of national disaster preparedness capacities OCHA welcomes opportunities for collaborating in implementation of the GIP for strengthening preparedness capacities at national level Discussions are ongoing with several countries for replicating experiences gained in Uganda, Peru and Nicaragua Several IASC members are also part of the ISDR System with responsibilities for the implementation of the HFA, Priority 5 ISDR system joint work program for the HFA, Priority 5 Need to agree on a common approach/concept ( SWG on Preparedness and Contingency Planning) III. Responsibilities of IASC agencies and partners

UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Emergency Preparedness Section Palais des Nations 8-14, ave de la Paix CH – 1211 Genève 10 « Villa – La Dépendance »