Troubled Paradise Jordan Lion: Austin Fenter: Brad Hurd: IDS 1999 Did You Ever Wonder Mexico Cartels Tourism Poverty Crimes
Tourism: “Paradise” Cancun,Yucatan, and Campeche 50 million Westernized Murders<1 (year)
Tourism: The crime within U.S Citizen Deaths Armed Robberies Pick Pockets ATM Thefts
Is that water safe?! … Tourist Hotels… water/ice Tap Water Beware the street vendor Fruits
Nature’s Interruptions HurricanesSeason Mud Slides “Ring of Fire” EruptionsAshPopocatépetl
Conditions…. Conditions 2/3 poor housing Description 50%- piping/running water Air Pollution 30% no sewage Poverty and severe alcoholism
Cartels: Boarder cities Drug related deaths- 34,612 Billions
Robberies and Kidnappings Highway 57 Carjacking Increased tourist kidnapping Overall Murder Rate
Is it safe? TravelingDayNightAreasLivingPovertyCrime Mexico Safe? 50% yes No
Bibliography be-travelers-asking-safety.html be-travelers-asking-safety.html mckay.html mckay.html