Introduction to Curriculum Planning and Practice Today’s Schools (Chapter 1) EDU
Today’s Schools: Recognizing and Understanding the Challenge New Course Outline Educational Theory and Practice (ETP) Lesson Plan Format Billings SD2 All Billings Curriculum (ABC) Indian Education for all Essential Understandings Five Teaching Models Chapter 1 Discussion
Chapter 1 Objectives Upon completion of this first chapter your students should be able to: 1. Define and differentiate between elementary school, middle school, junior high school, and high school. 2. Describe key characteristics that identify a school as being exemplary. 3. Describe the purposes and characteristics of the small learning community (SLC) concept. 4. Describe the meaning of the phrase “quality education for each student.”
Chapter 1 Objectives cont. 5. Describe the meaning of “teacher as a reflective decision maker.” 6. Describe current trends, problems, and issues in public K-12 education. 7. Describe key principles of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and how that act is likely to affect their work as a classroom teacher. 8. Describe efforts made by today’s schools to involve parents, guardians, and the community in children’s education.
Today’s Schools: Recognizing and Understanding the Challenge For the week of January 25-31: Note the new dates of the syllabus; you will have one more re: a school visit (to be determined) You should have read Chapter 1 by today. Develop a elementary level lesson plan by next Tues. Jan. 31 st …bring a hard copy to class and also submit to D2L Participate in the online Threaded Discussion starting on Thurs. Jan. 26 th … Have Chapter 2 read by next Tues. Jan. 31 st NEXT TUESDAY WE WILL MEET IN CISEL 012 TO LEARN ABOUT THE SMART BOARD.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead