Are there any positive or negative stereotypes that you believe? Have you ever wondered why you believe in those stereotypes?
REASONS WHY STEREOTYPES ARE BELIEVED? Influence of others around them Experiences that they have had in their lives Media influences from the images and content that are shown
A negative image of African Americans have persisted to be displayed through the media, which has lead to a negative overall portrayal about them. The general public is becoming more actively involved in the media, especially News programs and articles. News have sustained to be a very reliable source of information, thus the images and content are perceived as a reliable form of what truly happens. THE ISSUE
NEWS MEDIA CONTRIBUTION The general public is becoming more actively involved in the media, especially News programs and articles. News have sustained to be a very reliable source of information, thus the images and content are perceived as a reliable form of what truly happens. “The News media respond quickly and with keen interest to the conflicts and controversies of racial stories…They disregard the problems that sleep beneath the surface until they erupt in the hot steam that is the ‘live news story’” (Balkaran)
FBI CRIME STATISTICS The media images does not correlate with the statistics shown.
CURRENT PROGRAMS IN PLACE Boys and Girls Club : focuses on bettering youth of all backgrounds and economic statuses ( NAACP : focuses on strengthening and developing future leaders ( Collaboration
UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLACK This organization would be aimed at bettering the local African American community by collaborating with local agencies such as the Boys and Girls Club of Rochester and an NAACP chapter in the region of New York. Organization enforcing the importance of education and encouraging the youth to demonstrate the strength, knowledge, and courage that is known of African Americans. Teach all generations within the community about the importance of bettering the image of the group, seeing how African Americans’ actions can enforce the images upon themselves.
AFRICAN AMERICAN YOUTH STATISTICS Statistics of High School Dropouts [Left] and the percentage of students who have hopes of furthering their education post high school graduation [right]
How will goals be attained? Positive influences and someone to look up to can have a great impact on the mindset and overall life goals of the youth. Stress the importance of education amongst the youth and attempt to show the public that African Americans are capable of more than simply violence and drug use. EFFECTIVENESS?
With students having someone to look up to, their overall views on life can be adjusted. Mentors tend to enhance the outlook of students especial when it comes to their academic efforts, attitudes, and overall performance in school. Mentors also play a large role in self-esteem of the mentee. (Gray) MENTORSHIP BENEFITS
EXECUTION Non-Profit organization that will require a 503(c)(3) from Internal Revenue Service. Organization would need to set up mission and overview of the program in order to be fully established. Organization that can be viewed as a bridge between the African American community and the general public has of the group as a whole. Teach all generations within the community about the importance of bettering the image of the group, seeing how African Americans’ actions can enforce the images upon themselves. Key Features Youth Mentorship Rights-based Awareness