MESOZOIC ERA Presented by: Natalia Agudelo Juan Sebastián Landázuri Daniela González Rojas Fabio Baena
Triassic= Age of reptiles Start 284 million years ego Cover 35 years Jurassic= Begins 213 million years ego Cover 69 million years Cretaceous= Is the longest period Start 114 million years ego Cover 79 million years HOW IS DIVIDED?
The First period “Age of reptiles” Crocodiles, turtles. The earliest mammals evolved. Small sizes (like a mouse) Permanent extinction=extreme natural conditions TRIASSIC PERIOD 1
The environment in all the period Volcano eruption Global cooling Separation of the tectonic floor. Extra= coral was already in the ocean it survive the terminal extinction ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT
Dinosaurs were the most common animal They rule about 150 million years in all the times They evolved ( Archaeopteryx) JURASSIC PERIOD 2
At all the Jurassic Hot and dry The season were more notaries Flower plants evolved The laurasia and gondwana separation Extra= sharks, rays, ammonites and crocodiles appear. ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT
The longest period The reptiles still rule Giants Sauropod Massive extinction (more than half of the animals and plants)=asteroid Ouranosaurus Mosasaurus 3 CRETASEOUS PERIOD
The beginning Warm temperature No polar ice Sea levels were high At the end Several climate changes Volcanic eruption Sea levels were lower ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT
Triassic period Jurassic period Cretaceous period laurasia Gondwana PANGEAPANGEA
Bibilografy Jesuit University. Geological Time. oic.html. April 28, 2005 Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/cretaceous/.1996 Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/triassic/.1996 Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/jurassic/.1996 01/08/