S.I.B.A Safer Interventions & Broader Acceptance “It’s about the people, not the drugs”
Lebanon Capital: Beirut Area: sq km On the East coast of the Mediterranean Sea Meeting point of 3 continents: Europe, Asia & Africa
Lebanon – An Overview Over past 15 years: - Increase in Substance Misuse - Younger Ages of Initiation - Higher Availability/Diversity of Drugs Trends: Recreational (Club) Drugs vs. Opoids Very little Epidemiological studies Lack of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs - STDs & HIV/AIDS topic TABOO
Lebanon – An Overview Most substance users (Rehab): Male, Age of initiation: 15 Most Prevalent Substances (Rehab): Cannabis, Opoids, Sedatives & Tranquilizers 1 of main reasons why youth discontinue treatment: Unsuitability of services to user's needs Situational Needs Assessment, 2009, SKOUN
Lebanon Low prevalence of HIV/AIDS cases (0.1%) Rank 137 th compared to international peers Vast majority males (93% in 2011) 5.7% of the total numbers of PLHIV are IDU Major Barrier to Health Services: Drug users stigmatized and discriminated against Ministry of Public Health & Country Progress Report UNAIDS 2012
Lebanon – Law Enforcement -In 2009: 2,228 people arrested for drug use charges alone (Drug Enforcement Bureau) - Majority arrested for Cannabis & Opoids & Cocaine
Lebanon - Legal 1998: Narcotics law revised: decriminalizing drug “addiction”/dependency (Excluding drug use) Still, very vague Treatment vs. Punishment/Incarceration – FAIL Drug Addiction Committee: not operational 2010: Narcotics Law Reform (SKOUN),new proposal drafted 2012, Lobbying Aim: design targeted interventions, programs, services that protect rights of users
Services & Treatment Options Most Complete Abstinence Approach Prevention & Control Harm Reduction Services: Scarce (2) Needle Exchange: illegal Substitution & agonist therapies controversial OST agreed upon in 2011 Access to information widespread - Prevention/Scare Tactics ineffective, calls for HR approach to reduce harms
Structure of Available NGOs Youth employed in service provision BUT not in Decision-making & Managerial Position "What they think appropriate for youth" Huge lack of "youth voice" MAJOR GAP: Creation of S.I.B.A, local youth-led NGO
YouthRISE at IHRA2011
S.I.B.A الجمعية الشبابية للحد من مخاطر المخدرات S.I.B.A advocates for just & humane drug policies and Harm Reduction services We envision a society where young people affected by drugs and drug policies can make informed decisions to become proactive key players Facebook:
Current Focus of S.I.B.A Making the NGO professional (EFFORT) Work in alliance with current NGOs vs. competition/doing what they do - Add Youth Perspective Reach Key Populations Develop Youth-Friendly Toolkit (Adapted)
S.I.B.A Safer Interventions & Broader Acceptance “It’s about the people, not the drugs”