Tsunami Effects On Coastal Structures
Project description. Work completed. Results. Work to be completed. Summary.
Impact of a wood log hitting a concrete column in: a- Longitudinal direction. b- Transverse direction.
Design safer buildings, bridges, roads, etc. Safe human lives.
Wood log is 20 ft. in length and 0.8 ft. in diameter. Concrete column is 12 ft. in length and 1 ft. in diameter. The model contains nodes and 9500 elements. The wood log is traveling at 2.68 mph or ft./sec. The distance between the wood log and the concrete column is < 1 foot apart.
Wood log of the transverse impact needs: a- Addition of more solids elements. b- Modeled with the correct physical properties. c- The contact between the wood log and the concrete column must be face to face contact.
During this summer I will be modeling a wood log hitting a concrete column. I was able to obtain reasonable result for the longitudinal impact. The same physical properties used to model the longitudinal impact will be used to model the transverse impact of a wood log hitting a flexible concrete column.