Grammar Unit II: Lesson 1.2 Using Subjective Personal Pronouns Correctly
Personal pronouns SUBJECT PRONOUNS First Person Second Person Third Person Singular Iyoushe, he, it Plural weyouthey
Using Subjective Pronouns Subjective personal pronouns should always be used when they are the subject of the sentence or when they immediately follow a linking verb. This sounds easy, but things can get complicated.
Why? Read this sentence. Then decide which pronoun is the correct choice. John and (I, me) went to the store. Many people will make the mistake of using me in the above sentence. However, cover up the words John and. Now, read the sentence using me. It sounds very incorrect. I becomes the obvious choice.
Compound subjects A compound subject is made up of two or more subjects that are connect by AND, BUT, or OR and share the same verb. John and I went to the store. John and I are the compound subject John and I share the verb went
Compound Subjects She and Sally are good friends. (read the sentence with only the pronoun.) (read the sentence with only the pronoun.) She (is) a good friend. (not her) Sam and he go to school together. My mom bought her and Mark ice cream.
It gets harder! Read this sentence. Then decide which pronoun is the correct choice. The best basketball players are (her and me, she and I). Many people will make the mistake of using her and me in the above sentence. However, the verb are is a linking verb; therefore, subjective pronouns needs to be used. She and I is the correct answer.
Why use subjective pronouns after linking verbs? We use subjective pronouns after linking verbs because a linking verb shows that the subject is equal to what comes after the verb. The best basketball players = she and I If we compare this to math class: 2+2 = 4 Just like in math, both sides of the sentence or equation equal each other. Because they equal each other, we can reverse the equation (just like in math). 4 = 2 + 2
Subjective pronouns & Linking Verb Or we can reverse the sentence: She and I = best basketball players She and I are the best basketball players. The best basketball players = she and I
Subjective pronouns & Linking Verb Because we can make the pronoun the subject, we need to always use subjective pronouns after linking verbs. My related arts teachers are she and he. teachers = she and he She and he = teachers She and he are my related art teachers.
Guided Practice Read each sentence and make the correct pronoun choice. 1. Miles and (they, them) went to the basketball game. 2. (Casey and him, Casey and he) was injured. 3. The players that fouled them are (they, them). 4. (We, us) players were astonished. 5. The writer of this report is (him, he).
Personal pronouns OBJECT PRONOUNS First Person Second Person Third Person Singular meyouher, him, it Plural usyouthem
Using objective Pronouns Objective personal pronouns should always be used after 1. an ACTION verb Tyler hit it out of the park. AV 2. a PREPOSITION Larry gave the ball to him. preposition
Common prepositions about after before behind beside between by for from like near of to with without Suzy gave the paper to her. Linda sat between him and her. The story was written by them.
Guided Practice Read each sentence. Underline all verbs twice. Label them AV or LV. Place a box around prepositions. Circle the correct pronoun. 1. Between (you and me, you and I), this is easy stuff! LV 2. After class, Gabby gave (she, her) a note. AV 3. The book delighted (us, we) readers. AV 4. The teacher assigned (they, them) homework for Thursday. AV
Subjective & Objective Practice Read each sentence. Underline all verbs twice. Label them AV or LV. Place a box around prepositions. Circle the correct pronoun. Label it Sub or Obj on the line. ___1. (He, him) and Dana wrote the report. AV Sub ___2. Larry told John and (me, I) about the assignment. obj AV ___3. The write of the report was (she, her). sub LV ___4. The report was challenging for (they, them). obj AV
I or me I is a subject pronoun and is used at the beginning of a sentence. Me is an object pronoun and comes after a verb. My friend and I like to watch movies. She drove Julie and me to the park.
Me or I *Me and I always come second in a sentence. -My friend and I -Sarah and me
Examples 1.Dad and me are finished with the project. 2.She and him went to the movies. 3.Luis saw (she, her). 4.The host greeted (we, us) at the door. 5.After I mowed the lawn, Mr. Jones paid _____.
Examples 6.Did you see (he, him) at the movies? 7.Please send (she, her) your new address. 8.My mother bought my sister and (I, me) a new outfit. 9.I hope the train doesn’t leave without (we,us).
Examples 10.Sara divided the work between Scott and I. 11.Did she and me really come to class late? 12. My dad gave John and I five dollars. 13.Mary took Patrick and he to the mall.