Pronoun Usage
What is a Pronoun?
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or another pronoun. For example, instead of saying, "Holly finished her homework," you might replace the noun "Holly" with the pronoun "She," saying instead, "She finished her homework." Pronouns keep written and spoken language less repetitive: "Jim noticed the sink was still dripping when he turned it off," as opposed to "Jim noticed the sink was still dripping when he turned the sink off." Pronouns are not as specific as nouns. Pronouns
Who has taken a foreign language? What is the nominative case in a foreign language?
Nominative generally refers to the subject of a sentence, which is the performer of the verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence, "The dog ran," "dog" is the nominative, because it's the performer of the verb "ran." An objective refers to a recipient or object of a verb or preposition. In the sentence, "Bill threw the ball," "ball" is an objective noun because it is the recipient of the verb "threw.” Nominative Case
I He She We They Nominative Case Pronouns
You and I will leave early We and they have an important date Was it he who won the Merit Scholarship? It was he who carried the ball across the goal. We three are going to the fair Examples of Nominative Case Pronouns
Create a sentence; Use and label the nominative case pronoun
What is the objective case in a foreign language?
While nominative pronouns demonstrate a state or action, objective pronouns are the objects of an action or preposition. Example: If someone were asked, "Where are the cookies?" he might reply, "I ate them." In the latter sentence, "them" is the objective pronoun. It has taken the place of the noun "cookies" and is the object of the verb "ate." Someone on a date might explain to a waiter, "She is with me." In this sentence, "me" is the object of the preposition "with." Objective Case Pronouns
They called him. They trusted us as leaders. They entertained my brother and me. Him I respect, but don’t ask me to like him. Give the book to Mary and him. Examples of Objective Case
Create a sentence using an objective case pronoun.
Perhaps the most common problem with nominative and objective pronouns is mistaken usage. Though many say, "Tom and me watched a movie," the nominative pronoun "I" should be used instead: "Tom and I watched a movie.” Hyper-correction can be a problem as well. Some use the nominative when it isn't called for: "The party is for my husband and I." The objective pronoun "me" is the correct object of the preposition "for." Misuse
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