September 1, 2009
The process of sending and receiving messages The process of sharing meanings
encoding Encoding
encoding Encoding decoding
encoding Encoding decoding
encoding Encoding decoding Channel
The Channels of Communication
Communication Participants
encoding Encoding
encoding Encoding Encoding : The process of choosing the medium for the message (words, signals, etc.) and formulating the message/feedback
encoding Encoding decoding Decoding : The process of filtering and interpreting the message/feedback
encoding Encoding decoding Interference : Anything that gets in the way of a message or feedback being accurately sent or received
encoding Encoding decoding Interference can be external (noises or distractions outside the sender or receiver)
encoding Encoding decoding Interference can be internal (distractions within the sender or receiver) like perceptions, attitudes, feelings
encoding Encoding decoding Interference can appear anywhere and at any time in the communication process
Draw the channel portion of the communication process: Add the sender and receiver Add the message and feedback Add encoding and decoding Add interference
Verbal: communication that involves the use of words Nonverbal: communication that is wordless, but still sends a message