October 1, 2009 Johannesburg, South Africa Driving Information-Led Transformation With Information Agenda Himanshu Desai Director, Market Management, IBM Corporation
How Do You Get Started On An Information-led Transformation? IOD Software & Solutions; Information Infrastructure BI/Performance Management; Advanced Analytic & Optimization Services Information Agenda; BAO Strategy Services Apply business analytics to optimize decisions Establish a flexible information platform Plan an information agenda
Smarter Business Outcomes With Information Agenda Establish end-to-end vision & business-driven value Align people, process, & information Accelerate projects for short & long-term ROI Architect an extensible information infrastructure
Smarter Business Outcomes With Information Agenda Strategy, Roadmaps: Information Agenda Guides Guides, Workshops, Accelerators, Roadmaps…
Information Agenda Guide For Government Strategic Imperatives The key focus areas for a specific industry that are critical to improving overall business performance Core Management Processes The underlying processes that are prevalent across all areas of the company in every industry and must be managed for improved business performance Business Objectives The processes and activities that can be optimized through more effective use of information in support of the strategic imperatives
Built from extensive IT project experience with IBM customers worldwide Information Agenda Guide For Government
Balance Risks, Security & Compliance Business Optimization
Taxpayers wanted non-filers to comply with the tax laws Taxpayers wanted less governmental intrusion in their lives Current automated systems had technical limitations. Challenge 4TB data warehouse, based on IBM DB2 UDB Enterprise Extended Edition for AIX, is loaded and updated using IBM InfoSphere QualityStage for data cleansing The Integrated Non-Filer Compliance (INC) system now organizes data for more efficient management of information and measures its effectiveness to ensure the Program meets stakeholders' expectations Solution Benefits INC Project has generated an additional $126M in annual revenue Expanded self-service options to the Internet providing greater information to citizens Compared to the prior legacy system, the INC system reduces unnecessary taxpayer contacts by over 55,000 annually and identifies and contacts more than 100,000 additional non-filers annually. State of California Franchise Tax Board Increasing tax revenues while providing on demand services
Business Optimization Information Agenda Guide for Government Manage Costs & Reduce Operating Expenses Business Optimization
10 Puerto Rico Treasury Dept. Reducing costs for managing rapid data growth Data intake was increasing 300% annually Storage Costs were getting out of control Application performance was being degraded by the processing the increasing amounts of data IBM Optim Data Growth Solution Reduce Costs associated with Data Growth Improve performance of overworked production applications Store data in an immutable format for audit and discovery purposes Saved $2 Million in storage and CPU costs by moving data off of the primary processing environment Allowed the Treasury Dept. to continually archive data to deal with the 300% annual increases Reduced the batch processing windows for payroll and financial reporting, allowing critical deadlines to be met. Benefits Challenge Solution
Information Agenda Guide For Government Citizen-Centric Experience Business Optimization
Launched a master data management initiative for “Single View of Citizen” using IBM MDM Server Leveraging service oriented architecture (SOA) principles, information from a central citizen hub can be accessed by employees serving citizens as well as by Citizens over the web Multiple repositories for citizens data Inaccurate and incomplete view of the citizens relationship Inability to understand the full ‘value’ of the citizen Difficult to determine the correct services based on inaccurate citizen data Inconsistent citizen service across channels Difficult to interact with channel partners and enrich citizen data Business Benefits Provides current, accurate and complete citizen data to all systems and channels Manages the complete 360 degree view of the citizen leading to improved customer satisfaction when working with CWI employees Capable of being the system of record – full transaction processing and business logic capabilities Enables new citizen centric strategies such as life and other event oriented actions Center For Work And Income (CWI) Single view of citizen to improve service & reduce costs Challenge Solution
Information-Led Transformation With Information Agenda Strategy, Roadmaps - Information Intensive Projects Connect the roadmap to a reference architecture Raise maturity of information usage over time Develop an adoption roadmap for the organization
Business Value Information Management Evolution Information Maturity Progress Roadmap - Example CWI Pre-2007 Siebel, Oracle Pre-2007 Siebel, Oracle “Citizen” Hub leveraging InfoSphere Master Data Management “Citizen” Hub leveraging InfoSphere Master Data Management Data to Run the Business Information to Manage the Business Information to Enable Innovation Information as a Strategic Asset Information as a Competitive Differentiator “Focus on Data And Reporting” “Basic Information Interaction” “Information In Business Context” “Information-Enabled Business Innovation” “Adaptive Business Performance”
Requires a mission-specific, cross- enterprise corporate organization for collaborative policymaking Defines policies and practices for managing critical information assets Develops architecture practices and standards Monitors data quality Ensures training and enabling of all affected staff Establishes Competency Centers Information Governance & Foundation Tools Information Analyzer & Workbench Data Architect FastTrack Business Glossary Metadata Workbench Information-Led Transformation With Information Agenda Define and Govern
An informatics model that integrates data across heterogeneous sources to drive collaboration among organizations and expansion to new research areas. Solution Components include: IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Foundation Tools, Federation Server IBM Rational® Data Architect IBM System x™ IBM Global Business Services Needed to compare information about individual treatment plans to identify improvements to drive positive overall patient outcomes Melbourne Health Improving patient care with foundation tools Business Benefits Drove significant new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses Increased statistical accuracy of research through a four-fold increase in sample sizes IBM Solution enabled the organization to qualify for significant funding: Won 17 million AUD in project grants Won 2.2 million AUD in research grants "IBM is a definite leader in heterogeneous data integration and complied with our requirements in all areas of privacy and security.“ –Naomi Rafael, Senior Database Administrator, Melbourne Health Solution Challenge
Driving Smarter Business Outcomes with Information Management Portfolio Business Optimization Information Infrastructure
Benefits: Reduce risk Achieve faster ROI Leverage proven best practice No need to reinvent the wheel IBM Industry Accelerators: Industry data, process and service models Blueprints for business intelligence and performance management IBM and Business Partner solutions for performance management and enterprise content management Information Accelerators Industry Specific Assets to Speed Deployment
Introduction Begin developing your agenda Briefing Roadmap Workshop Architect and plan your first project Solution Workshop Getting Started Three Steps to Accelerate Your Information Agenda Involves both IT and line-of-business representatives to develop recommendations that can have an impact on the business and are aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives