Effective Intercultural Workgroup Communication Theory (John G. Oetzel)
Culturally diverse groups Disadvantage: - More group process difficulty (tension, conflict) Advantage: + Infusion of different ideas & approaches to solving problems If managed properly, diversity is a benefit McLeod, Lobel & Cox, 1996; Watson, Kumar & Michaelsen, 1993)
With no leader Members need to monitor the communication process and provide feedback This is how Blue Team will help
Dimensions of group effectiveness (Hackman 1990) Task dimension – Degree to which the group’s productive output meets the standards of quality or quantity Relational dimension – Degree to which the group’s processes enable the group to work together interdependently in the future Personal dimension – Degree to which the group experience contributes to the well-being of team members Task effectiveness is more associated to independent self- construal Relational effectiveness is more associated to interdependent self-construal. Personal effectiveness is associated with both
Culture and communication are related recursively Culture emerges in interaction Communication must be repeated before impacting culture
Model GROUP Situations Features History of unresolved conflict Ingroup/Outgroup Cooperative/Competitive tasks Equal/Unequal status Person # 1 Individualism/Collectivism Self-Construals Face Concerns Person # 2 Individualism/Collectivism Self-Construals Face Concerns Person # 3 Individualism/Collectivism Self-Construals Face Concerns Group Communication Processes Turn Taking/Participation Decision Making Cooperative Conflict Behavior Respectful Communicaiton Outcomes Task effectiveness Relational effectiveness
Propositions synthesized The more a group utilizes effective communication processes the more likely the group will achieve: 1. task effectiveness 2. relational effectiveness Impacts on effective communication experience - Negative contextual factors within the group - Cultural diversity -Individualistic/independent (utilize dominating conflict strategies) + Collectivistic/interdependent (utilize collaborating conflict strategies) + Collectivistic (utilize equal participation) + Individualistic (more likely they will take turns) + Other- or mutual- rather than self-face concerns
Skills Participation & ability to encourage it in others Cooperation Collaboration & consensus decision making (dialogue) Collaboration Respectful communication
Definitions Individualism - Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence Collectivism - Belief in the primary importance of the group and in the virtures of group member interdependence Self-construal - refers to the perceptions that you have about your thoughts, feelings and actions in relation to others; relation of the self to others and the self as distinct from others With an independent self-construal you perceive a clear boundary that separates yourself from others and give higher priority to personal goals over group goals. With an interdependent self-construal you define yourself in terms of relationships to others and give higher priority to group goals over personal goals Face - Value or standing or worth in the eyes of others; prestige; dignity Participation - act of taking part or sharing in something (opposite of non- engagement, non-involvement, nonparticipation) Collaboration - action of working with someone to produce or create something (opposite of working independently) Cooperation - process of working together to the same end "their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission“ (opposite of rivalry, competition, contention)