Report from NSF/MPS Tony Chan Assistant Director Directorate for Math & Physical Sciences Fermi Lab Users Meeting June 7, 2007
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting2 Outline of Talk Overview of the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) MPS investments related to Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) EPP Portfolio
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting3 Call for Reinvestment in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Increase US talent poolIncrease US talent pool Strengthen basic researchStrengthen basic research Develop, recruit & retain best/brightestDevelop, recruit & retain best/brightest Ensure innovation in AmericaEnsure innovation in America From fundamental discoveries to marketable technologies.From fundamental discoveries to marketable technologies. Facilities and instrumentationFacilities and instrumentation World class science and engineering workforceWorld class science and engineering workforce Focus on Phys Sci & EngineeringFocus on Phys Sci & Engineering Doubles NSF, DOE-OS, NIST over 10 yearsDoubles NSF, DOE-OS, NIST over 10 years
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting4 National Science Foundation Inspector General National Science Board Director Deputy Director Staff Offices Computer & Information Science & Engineering Engineering Geosciences Mathematical & Physical Sciences Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences Education & Human Resources Budget, Finance & Award Management Information Resource Management Biological Sciences Office of CyberInfrastructure Office of Polar Programs Office of International Sci & Engr
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting5 Top 5 Things to Know About MPS Most extensive & diverse scientific portfolio ACI-central: fundamental discovery to marketable technologies Largest budget: $1.25B FY08 Develops & supports major facilities MPS Divisions and Offices relevant to EPP – PHY, AST, Office of Multidisciplinary Activities
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting6 NSF Budget by Directorate
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting7 MPS by Division
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting8 FY 2008 MPS Focus Areas Physical sciences at the nanoscale Science beyond “Moore’s Law” Physics of the universe Complex systems Fundamental mathematical and statistical science Sustainability Cyber-enabled discovery and innovation
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting9
10 NSF FY 2007 Budget MREFC Account
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting11 Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT) Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting12 Exciting Time for EPP Deep Questions: –TeraScale –Dark Energy, Dark Matter –Neutrinos –Proton Decay –CMB,… Powerful Facilities: –Existing Tevatron (CDF, DØ) LHC (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb,..) –Planning DUSEL ILC
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting13 The Scientific Case NRC EPP2010 (2006) Deep Science (2006) Physics of the Universe (2004) Connecting Quarks to Cosmos (2003) HEPAP P5 Roadmap Boards, panels, AAAC, Decadal Survey
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting14 NSF/EPP Underlying Themes Empowering University-Based Investigators Adding Value –Partnerships Building Interdisciplinary Collaboration –Broadening Participation Single Investigators Non-traditional/Underrepresented participants Research at Undergraduate Institutions –Education and Outreach Activities
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting15 NSF/EPP Portfolio University Program –Accelerator based physics Hadron Colliders: CDF, DØ, CMS, ATLAS, LHCb Electron Positron Colliders: CLEO-c, BaBar Neutrinos: MINOS, NOVA, MINERvA, MiniBooNE, Double CHOOZ… –Particle Astrophysics and Non-Accelerator based physics Pierre Auger, SDSS, CDMS, COUPP, Xenon 10, Drift, Veritas, … –Theory –Computational physics LHC Experiment Construction and Operations DUSEL CESR/CLEO-c Accelerator and Detector R&D –ILC Accel and Det R&D –MICE –Advanced Technologies Partnerships & Broader Impacts
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting16 Particle Physics Funding History
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting17 Partnerships Cyberscience –DISUN/Tier 2c (with OCI) –UltraLight (with OCI) –Trillium and OSG (with OCI and DOE) Education with research –QuarkNet (with OMA, EHR and DOE/HEP) –CHEPREO (with OMA, OCI, EHR, OISE) –I2U2 (with OMA, EHR) –Mariachi (OCI funded) –CyberBridges (OCI funded)
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting18 NSF Partnership with DOE NSF is committed to close partnership with DOE on several fronts on EPP: –LHC (construction of detectors, NSF supporting science on ATLAS, CMS, PHY $18M/yr + OCI $1M/yr) –DUSEL (NSF steward; DOE supports R&D) –ILC (DOE steward; NSF & DOE on FALC and R&D; NSF $1.44M in FY07)
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting19 NSF/DOE Partnership Example ILC Accelerator R&D at Cornell –Recent SRF Cavity Development Cornell, in collaboration with KEK, has reached a new world record accelerating field in a single cell superconducting niobium cavity : Eacc = MV/m.
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting20 NSF/DOE Partnership Example QuarkNet Currently: 53 Centers in 25 States & Puerto Rico Active research participants: 500 High School Teachers 100 High School Students 150 Physicist Mentors Coverage: 12 Major Expts + GRID Immersive research experiences for HS Teachers and Students
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting21 Messages to “take away” –NSF is and expects to remain a strong supporter of the Fermilab experimental program and its broader impacts. –NSF has a successful history of partnerships with DOE/OHEP LHC: Detector Construction and LHC Operations Pierre Auger, KamLAND, CDMS, Veritas,… QuarkNet –NSF vision of partnerships for the Future ILC: DOE is lead, with NSF in supporting role DUSEL: NSF is lead, with DOE in supporting role
T. Chan, NSF 40 th Fermilab Users Meeting22 MPS Facilities in Development & Under Construction Facilities under Construction: ALMA: new baseline, early operations increases to $8.2M. IceCube: operations initiated at $1.5M level Advanced LIGO: construction begins FY LHC (+DOE): coming online soon, delay? Design and Development: DUSEL: will begin formally in FY 2008, $8.0M, building on previous Discovery Research. Just concluded S3 reverse site visit. GSMT (TMT + GMT): $5M R&D. ATST: In “readiness” stage. Cultural & EIS challenges. Other Projects: Light source: planning to convene panel on NSF role. LHC Experiment Upgrades ILC: Cost? When?