The U.S. Becomes a World Power: 1898. U.S. Becomes A World Power 1898: Theodore Roosevelt He fought in the Spanish American War He becomes president in.


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Presentation transcript:

The U.S. Becomes a World Power: 1898

U.S. Becomes A World Power 1898: Theodore Roosevelt He fought in the Spanish American War He becomes president in 1901: Republican He was big on imperialism/expansion ism

“Teddy” Roosevelt

What is Imperialism? Expansionism The actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over a smaller or weaker nation.

Causes for U.S. Expansionism Desire for new markets (trade) We could sell to them and make money off of them. Feeling of Superiority: We are better and we must show them our way is the best way. Military: Modernizing Navy..set up military bases. Desire to spread Democracy Social Darwinism: only the fittest nations rule and survive.

Spanish American War: 1898 U.S. vs. Spain to liberate Cuba A war lasting only a few months!! Cubans wanted their independence from Spain The U.S. wins…and on the road to being an empire. U.S. Gets: Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico

Spanish American War: 1898

U.S. Gains from Spain

U.S. Imperialism: Are you for or against?

New American Diplomacy Hawaii: 1893 U.S. takes over the island and establishes a naval base: Pearl Harbor Panama Canal: U.S. builds a canal in order to improve trade worldwide… Roosevelt Corollary Midway Islands Samoan Islands


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