1 A Service BEST BUY INSIGHT DECK Growth markets and strategic initiatives June 2013 LOUISE HOWARTH Senior Retail Analyst
2 1.Introduction 2.Major Strategic Initiatives 3.Key Markets 4.Conclusions & Implications Contents
1. Introduction
4 USA Puerto Rico China Canada Mexico Wholly-owned Operations, Regional Executives & Corporate Head Offices Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China Distrito Federal, Mexico Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Richfield, Minnesota, USA Meng Zhou, CEO China Fernando Silva, President Mexico Ron Wilson, President Canada Operations Hubert Joly, Company CEO Mike Vitelli, President US Shari Ballard, President International *Regional Headquarters *Regional Head
5 ActiveExited Joint Venture Exited Market Outside of the Americas, the retailer has been unsuccessful with its Best Buy banner, having exited the UK, China and Turkey following poor returns. However, Best Buy has big expansion plans for China via its Five Star banner which is proving to be successful.