Data Release Requirements, decisions and plans. What we need New machine Implement (and test) all proposed changes from current Provide data quality summary,


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Presentation transcript:

Data Release Requirements, decisions and plans

What we need New machine Implement (and test) all proposed changes from current Provide data quality summary, up to date documentation of processing steps and userguides

Products and contents Flags and QA Calibration parameters (gains spectral response) Radiances and fluxes all products Geolocation Radiances, scene id and fluxes Unfiltering SW and LW Radiances (LEVEL 2) LW fluxes LW Fluxes (LEVEL 2) Cloud id SW fluxes (LEVEL 2) SW fluxes SW fluxes (LEVEL 2)

Products and contents for edition 1 release LEVEL 1.5 NANRG + geo correction? LEVEL 2 ARG –Shi and barg produced now but won’t be officially released till validated Rename all as edition 1 –Remove v??? Only edition? In name, rev etc identify in lit only Move to HDF new version? –yes

Flags : level 1.5 QF flag (1-2 weeks) yes SOL jitter flag or could remove product later (1 week) only if time otherwise must remove data maually Flag counting data (3 days) yes Fix sun glint flag as byte shift (3 days) only if time

Flags : level 2.0 REMOVE all invlaid level 1.5 data from level 2 processing –Need to decide what is invalid data SW fluxes in sunglint region (flag or remove?) – possibly decrease sunglint region –Remove clearsky ocean data in sunglint region and decrease angle Flag data near terminator –Note in summary problem at low SZA ADD MPEF cloud flag –Experiment non fixed – copying of SEVIRI value to be inlcuded 24hours in lw product Add aerosol flag / optical depth? –Included as an experimental thing

Calibration Keep recovered (V999) response B factor – ground value? + LaRc summary on pixel variation Gain – outlier removal –Need to note POSSIBLE magnitude of effect

Geolocation New geolocation to be implemented –One month to improve then FREEZE no matter what

Unfiltering LOS non-repeatability flag implemented Further updates to the unfiltering tables –add sand surfaces. Other? –Not vital only done if time Direct or as V999 dedicated clear sky ocean SW unfiltering –As V999 Diurnal cycle in the unfiltering error over dark surfaces – note in document further check to see if anything further needed? –Not vital only if time

SEVIRI processing & GERB-like Keep record of ALL changes to SEVIRI data –Contanct EUMETSAT to obtain Improve NB to BB using dubrovnik –YES AS A PRIORITY Further sun glint angle improvement –Yes

Cloud flags No updates in time for release? –If time may try to improve cloud mask at terminator

SW fluxes Return to pre-V999 calculation? –Not but new dubrok must be in play Issue health warning (seen as diurnal asym) on clear sky and broken cloud over ocean SW fluxes definitely and poss. Present over land also as source unknown Flag fluxes in sun glint regions (possibly decrease sun glint angle) – flag only or remove

LW fluxes Remove correction for release and provide note on how users may post-correct

Things to check LW comparison with ES8 (30km reference level correction) Proposed geolocation

Release Philosophy CALIBRATION-VALIDATION- PROCESSING Traceability Consistency Supportability

Contents of data quality summary Qualitative statement –Overview of known issues –Range of validity etc Results from inter-comparisons –All actual numbers and plots need to come from the edition 1 processing Theoretical uncertainty estimates on radiances and fluxes: –Calibration, unfiltering, etc

Supporting documentation Current user guides updated and renamed product description Existing processing and algorithm documents updated and incorperated into a user guide detailing the processing steps (and input info) –Make available prior to going public to gist for comment (also for quality summary)

Action plan for edition 1 release RMIB/RAL/IMPERIAL to provide single page (or less) note ‘detailing’ the changes to be made to V999 for release. DATE: 22/12/05 RMIB to order new machine DATE: 04/01/06 RMIB: provide example of new geo results (geo FROZEN) ALL: implement processing changes ALL: re-run limited portion of the June-July 2004 and Dec 2004 with all the processing changes FROZEN ALL: update documentation, data summary except for final figures ALL: analysis of limited reprocessing results to provide final figures in data summary – POINT OF RELASE ALL: re-run full June-July 2004 and Dec 2004 with release version ALL: detailed analysis of release version for these 3 months provided in liturature

Action plan Whilst processing changes are implemented and new computer ordered … B –factor : (impacts on all SW products) JER to provide representative Pam and Lou with V999 and proposed new B values for post aplication to pixel comparison results DATE: 21/12/05 Geo: FREEZE PROPOSED GEO (impacts on all products) – RMIB provide representative dataset of new geo values to team DATE: SUGGEST: 3 days to one week of new geo values from each month of the June-July 2004 / Dec RAL to devise method to provide corrected level 1.5 geo

Action plan All processing changes implemented and FROZEN DATE: /02/06 STEP 1: limited reprocessing of June-July 2004 and Dec 2004 data end to end as intended for relase SUGGEST 1 week summer (june) one winter? Must be sufficient to provide enough info to put numbers in the release statement Whilst this processing is taking place – UPDATE documentation with all changes and additions, release statement and quality summary (awaiting final numbers and figures)

Action plan Limited reprocessing of June-July 2004 and Dec 2004 data end to as intended for relase SUGGEST 1 week from each month? Must be sufficient to provide enough info to put numbers in the release statement Whilst this processing is taking place – UPDATE documentation with all changes and additions, release statement and quality summary (awaiting final numbers and figures) DATA MEETING to ease this process

Action plan Limited reprocessing finished results to be analysed to provide numbers and figures to go into the release statement. This release document will be circulated to GIST DATE: - RELEASE, i.e. data and documentation SHOULD BEGIN AT THIS POINT the example data will be provided immediately, further data will become available as processed. Complete processing with release software of the June July 2004 and Dec 2004 (NOTE ERNESTO asks to add Feb data (4 days)) - Complete analysis on the release version data, using these months, provide these results in the form of papers to the community and make the data available to all