doc.: IEEE /0164r0 SubmissionSlide Protocols Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the TAG of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE TAG. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at. Date: Authors: November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Contents Introduction Protocol messages –Messages with contents between CM and CE –Messages with contents between CM and CDIS –Messages with contents between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS Slide 2 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Introduction (1/2) system architecture consists of three internal entities and five interfaces Slide system architecture November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Introduction (2/2) We mainly focus on three interfaces related to internal entities as follows: –B1: Interface between CM and CE –B2: Interface between CM and CDIS –C: Interface between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS Each interface is defined by message with contents. Slide 4 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Protocol messages The message defined in the system is categorized into three kinds of messages –Context information message : conveys fundamental information for decision making on radio resource usage optimization to be possible is defined for interface between CM-CE(B1), CM-CDIS(B2) and TVWS DB-CM/CDIS (C) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 5
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Protocol messages –Event message : is used for a means of notifying a change of the entity status that triggers specific procedures for system maintanance is defined for interface between CM-CE and CM-CDIS –Reconfiguration message: provides the information for setting hardware and/or software of TVBD in order to properly change its operating parameters such as operating channel and communicating coverage is defined for interface between CM and CE November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Protocol messages CategoryName SourceDestination Description Context information message TVBD-CI-REQ CMCE Request context information of TVBD used by CM TVBD-CI-RSP CECM Send context information of TVBD to CM used by CE CDIS-CI-REQ CMCDIS Request context information of CDIS used by CM CDIS-CI-RSP CDISCM Send context information of CDIS to CM CM-CI-REQ CDISCM Request context information of CM used by CDIS CM-CI-RSP CMCDIS Send context information of CM to CDIS TVWSDB-CI-REQ CMTVWS DB Request context information of TVWS DB used by CM TVWSDB-CI-RSP TVWS DBCM Send context information of TVWS DB to CM TVWS-DB-REQ CDISTVWS DB Request context information of TVWS DB used by CDIS TVWS-DB-RSP TVWS DBCDIS Send context information of TVWS DB to CDIS Event message TVBD-EV-REQ CMCE Request event notification of TVBD used by CM TVBD-EV-IND CECM Confirm receipt of event request message used by CE TVBD-EV-RSP CECM Notify the detected event of TVBD to CM CDIS-EV-REQ CMCDIS Request event notification of CDIS used by CM CDIS-EV-IND CDISCM Confirm receipt of event request message CDIS-EV-RSP CDISCM Notify the detected event of CDIS to CM CM-EV-REQ CDISCM Request event notification of CM used by CDIS CM-EV-IND CMCDIS Confirm receipt of event request message CM-EV-RSP CMCDIS Notify the detected event of CM to CDIS Reconfiguration message TVBD-RC-REQ CMCE Request reconfiguration of TVBD used by CM TVBD-RC-RSP CECM Send reconfiguration results of TVBD to CM November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (1/9) Slide 8 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI Message sequence chart (MSC) between CM and CE Messages for CM-CE are given as follows: –Context information messages TVBD-CI-REQ/TVBD-CI-RSP –Reconfiguration messages TVBD-RC-REQ/TVBD-RC-RSP –Event messages TVBD-EV-REQ/TVBD-EV-IND TVBD-EV-RSP
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (2/9) Slide 9 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI TVBD-CI-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to CE to request context information of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CM for discovery of all registered TVBDs NameContentsDescription TVBD-CI-REQ SourceCMIdentifier Identifier of CM DestinationTVBDIdentifier Identifier of TVBD CIList Flag array of reported context information selected by set of the corresponding flag, ordered as follows: 1.FCC identifier of TVBD 2.Type of TVBD 3.Radio interface of TVBD 4.Antenna gain of TVBD 5.Antenna height of TVBD 6.Geolocation of TVBD 7.Coverage of TVBD 8.Required bandwidth of TVBD 9.Measurements of TVBD 10.Reconfiguration option of TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 10 Messages between CM and CE (3/9) TVBD-CI-RSP –This message used by CE is transmitted to CM to send the selected context information of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CE after collecting context information from the corresponding TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (4/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 11 Name ContentsDescription TVBD-CI-RSP SourceTVBDIdentifier Identifier of TVBD DestinationCMIdentifier Identifier of CM TVBDFCCIdentifier FCC identifier of TVBD TVBDType Type of TVBD 1.Fixed device type 2.Personal/portable mode I type 3.Personal/portable mode II type TVBDRadioInterface Radio interface of TVBD TVBDAntennaGain Antenna gain of TVBD TVBDAntennaHeight Antenna height of TVBD TVBDGeolocation Geolocation of TVBD: 1.Latitude 2.Longitude 3.Altitude TVBDCoverage Communication coverage of TVBD TVBDRequiredBandwidth Required bandwidth of TVBD TVBDMeasurements- TVBDQoS, Reserved Measurements of TVBD parameters: 1.QoS of TVBD 2.Reserved TVBDReconfigurationOption Any reconfiguration option of TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (5/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 12 TVBD-EV-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to CE to request the event detection of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CM after completing the channel assignment for system maintenance Name ContentsDescription TVBD-EV-REQ SourceCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM DestinationTVBDIdentifierIdentifier of TVBD EventList Flag array of the reported event selected by set of the corresponding flag, ordered as follows: 1.Geolocation change of TVBD 2.QoS degradation of TVBD under required performance 3.Coverage change of TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (6/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 13Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 13 TVBD-EV-IND –This message used by CE is transmitted to CM to give the acknowledgement of the corresponding event –This message is generated on CE after receiving TVBD-EV-REQ message as a receipt Name ContentsDescription TVBD-EV-IND SourceTVBDIdentifierIdentifier of TVBD DestinationCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM Status Flag array for acknowledgement of the selected event, ordered as follows: 1.Geolocation change of TVBD 2.QoS degradation of TVBD 3.Coverage change of TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (7/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 14 TVBD-EV-RSP –This message used by CE is transmitted to CM to notify the detected event of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CE after detecting event of the corresponding TVBD Name ContentsDescription TVBD-EV-RSP SourceTVBDIdentifierIdentifier of TVBD DestinationCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM FlagTVBDGeolocationChange Flag to specify if geolocation of TVBD is changed FlagTVBDQoSChange Flag to specify if QoS of TVBD is degraded under the required performance FlagTVBDCoverageChange Flag to specify if coverage of TVBD is changed
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (8/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 15 TVBD-RC-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to CE to request the reconfiguration of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CM after making decision of channel assignment for spectrum resource sharing Name ContentsDescription TVBD-RC- REQ SourceCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM DestinationTVBDIdentifierIdentifier of TVBD CoexistenceMode- IndividualChannelAssignmentMod e, CoChannelSharingMode Flag to specify used coexistence Mode: 1.Individual channel assignment mode 2.Co-channel sharing mode TVBDOperatingChannelOperating channel of TVBD TVBDCoverage- FixedType, ModeIType, ModeIIType Coverage of TVBD : 1.Fixed device type 2.Personal/portable mode I type 3.Personal/portable mode II type CoChannelSharing Additional information for co- channel sharing
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CE (9/9) November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 16 TVBD-RC-RSP –This message used by CE is transmitted to CM to inform reconfiguration results of the corresponding TVBD –This message is generated on CE after completing TVBD reconfiguration Name ContentsDescription TVBD-RC-RSP SourceTVBDIdentifierIdentifier of TVBD DestinationCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM Status- CoexistenceMode, TVBDOperatingChannel, TVBDCoverage, Reserved Flag array of reported reconfiguration parameters, ordered as follows 1.Coexistence mode of TVBD 2.Operating channel of TVBD 3.Coverage of TVBD 4.Reserved
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between CM and CDIS (1/4) Slide 17 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI MSC between CM and CDIS Messages for CM-CDIS are given as follows: –Context information message CDIS-CI-REQ/CDIS-CI-RSP CM-CI-REQ/CM-CI-RSP –Event message CDIS-EV-REQ/CDIS-EV-IND CDIS-EV-RSP CM-EV-REQ/CM-EV-IND CM-EV-RSP
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 SubmissionSlide 18 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI Messages between CM and CDIS (2/4) CDIS-CI-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to CDIS to request context information of the registered CM or neighbor CM –This message is generated on CM for channel classification of TVWS channel
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 19 Messages between CM and CDIS (3/4) Name ContentsDescription CDIS-CI-REQ SourceCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM DestinationCDISIdentifierIdentifier of CDIS CIList Flag array of reported context information selected by set of the corresponding flag, ordered as follows: 1.Channel list of TVWS 2.Constraint of channel use 3.Identifier of registered CM 4.TVBD type of registered CE of registered CM 5.Geolocation of registered CE of registered CM 6.Coverage of registered CE of registered CM 7.Channel classification list of registered CM 8.Negotiation option of registered CM 9.Identifier of neighbour CM 10.Corresponding CE list of neighbour CM 11.TVBD type of corresponding CE of neighbor CM 12.Geolocation of corresponding CE of neighbour CM 13.Coverage of corresponding CE of neighbor CM 14.Channel classification list of neighbour CM 15.Negotiation option of neighbor CM
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRISlide 20 Messages between CM and CDIS (4/4) CDIS-EV-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to CDIS to request the event detection of the neighbor CM –This message is generated on CM for performance maintenance of the system Name ContentsDescription CDIS-EV-REQ SourceCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM DestinationCDISIdentifierIdentifier of CDIS EventList Flag array of the reported event selected by set of the corresponding flag, ordered as follows: 1.TVWS channel list change 2.Channel use constraint change 3.Neighbor CM change 4.Corresponding CE list change of neighbor CM 5.Channel classification list change of neighbor CM 6.Negotiation option change of neighbor CM
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 SubmissionSlide 21 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI Messages between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS (1/3) MSC between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS Messages for TVWS DB- CM/CDIS are given as follows: –Context information message TVWSDB-CI-REQ/TVWSBD- CI-RSP TVWS-DB-REQ/TVWS-BD- RSP
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 SubmissionSlide 22 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI Messages between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS (2/3) TVWSDB-CI-REQ –This message used by CM is transmitted to TVWS DB to request context information of usable spectrum channel –This message is generated on CM for channel classification of TVWS channel Name ContentsDescription TVWSDB-CI-REQ SourceCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM DestinationTVWSDBIdentifierIdentifier of TVWS DB TVBDFCCIdentifierList A list of TVBD FCC identifier
doc.: IEEE /0164r0 Submission Messages between TVWS DB and CM/CDIS (3/3) Slide 23 November 2010 Donghun Lee, et al, ETRI TVWSDB-CI-RSP –This message used by TVWS DB is transmitted to CM to send context information of usable spectrum channel –This message is generated on TVWS DB after receiving the context information request from CM Name ContentsDescription TVWSDB-CI-RSP SourceTVWSDBdentifierIdentifier of TVWS DB DestinationCMIdentifierIdentifier of CM TVWSChannelList TVWS channel list ChannelUseConstraint Channel use constraint