* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. APPENDIX to World ParaVolley Sitting & Standing Rules 2. STANDARDS FOR TEAM EQUIPMENT 2.1 PLAYER EQUIPMENT UNIFORM JERSEY (SHIRT) Uniform Jersey Mode Printed Information on the Uniform Jersey a. FRONT NUMBER 15 cm high and no less than 2 cm wide stripe (centered). b. No numbers on the sleeves. c. LOGO Homologated manufacturer's logo: Logo should fit within 20 cm 2, usually a rectangle 5 cm long and 4 cm high. It should preferably be on the front right-hand side. d. Country flag and country name when included: EITHER:- min. 36 cm 2 and max. 40 cm 2 on the front upper left side. The country name or the official country code (3 letters) must be at the bottom of the flag. OR As per regulations for Player's registered jersey name, name of country may be used where player name is not included. e. Back number 20 cm high and no less than 2 cm wide stripe (centered below the player's registered jersey name). f. Letters for the player's registered jersey name (i.e. family name or usual nick name) on the back of playing uniforms above the number 4 or 6 cm high and no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe. g. The dimension of the captain's stripe: height 2 cm and width 8 cm. The captain's stripe must be located, centered under the number on the front of the jersey. 6 cm high and no less than 1 cm wide stripe.Under 10 lettersWOMEN 4 cm high and no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe.10 letters and over 6 cm high and no less than 1 cm wide stripe.Under 12 lettersMEN 4 cm high and no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe.12 letters and over
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. FRONT NUMBER 15 cm high and no less than 2 cm wide stripe (centered) LOGO cm 15 cm
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. BACK NUMBER 20 cm high and no less than 2 cm wide stripe (centered below the player’s registered jersey name). 20 cm 2 cm N A M EN A M E 20 9
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. LETTERS for the player's registered jersey name (i.e. family name or usual nick name( on the back of playing uniforms above the number 4 or 6 cm high and no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe. 9 9 N A M EN A M E 6 9 VERYLONGNAME 4 9 WOMEN Under 10 letters 6 cm high, no less than 1.0 cm wide stripe. MEN Under 12 letters 6 cm high, no less than 1.0 cm wide stripe. WOMEN 10 letters and over 4 cm high, no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe. MEN 12 letters and over 4 cm high, no less than 0.5 cm wide stripe. 1.0 cm 6 cm 0.5 cm 4 cm
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. LOGO Homologated manufacturer's logo: Logo should fit within 20 cm 2, usually a rectangle 5 cm long and 4 cm high. It should preferably be on the front right-hand side. 20 cm 2 LOGO cm 4 cm LOGO 5 cm 4 cm 20 cm 2
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. FLAG Country flag and country name when included: EITHER:- min. 36 cm 2 and max. 40 cm 2 on the front upper left side. The country name or the official country code (3 letters) must be at the bottom of the flag LOGO B R A max. 40 cm 2 min. 36 cm 2 8 cm 5 cm max. 40 cm 2 9 cm 4 cm min. 36 cm 2
9 15 cm 8 cm 2 cm LOGO 9 2 cm 8 cm B R A * This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. The dimension of the captain’s stripe height 2 cm, width 8 cm. The captain’s stripe must be located centered under the number on the front of the jersey.
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. APPENDIX to World ParaVolley Sitting & Standing Rules 3. ADVERTISING GUIDELINES 3.1 TEAM EQUIPMENT When taking part in a World ParaVolley competition, team members must not carry any advertising material on their equipment unless previously approved by the World ParaVolley. It should be noted that advertising is not allowed in the Paralympic Games. The size of the advertising must not exceed 300 cm 2 in one block on the front of the jersey and 50 cm 2 on each jersey sleeve. The advertising block on the front of the jersey may be below the number, although the placement of longer, thinner advert (i.e. one line featuring the name of the sponsor max 11 cm high) above the number is also allowed. LOGO ADVERTISING SPONSO R 9 ADVERTISING BLOCK 15 cm Max. 11 cm max. 300 cm 2 max. 300 cm 2 max. 50 cm 2 & or
* This material is only an illustration for some of the most frequently used parts of the World ParaVolley rules. The authorative version is the World ParaVolley rules of the game. ADVERTISING max. 33 cm 2 max. 33 cm 2 The size of the advertising must not exceed 33 cm 2 in one block on the front or the back of the warming up suit and must be identical to the advertising on the jersey. ADVERTISING ON WARMING UP SUIT max. 33 cm 2