Login and Information Screens After login, the SOSA Voting Information screen displays The Database drop-down allows you to login to all 3 modes: Connected, Hybrid and Disconnected. The drop- down defaults to the mode selected during the Wizard. In OVRD mode, only Disconnected is available.
Main SOSA/OVRD Voting Screen All SOSA/OVRD operations are performed from this screen.
1.Enter Search Criteria: the more criteria entered, the narrower the returned results. 2.Click Search. Matching results display 3.When a row is selected, more detailed information displays at the bottom of the screen 4.Click View Voter to review the voter registration record Search for a Voter
1.Select the correct registrant from the results list and click the Vote button. 2.No-Excuse Application or label will print. 3.Bottom right window displays the Vote details 4.Inactive registrants must be updated using Name/Addr Only or Update Voter before they can vote. A notification appears in the lower left of the screen if a voter is Inactive (Figure 2) Voting a Registrant Figure 2
1.Click the New Voter button on the main screen. Note: New Voter is not available in OVRD mode. 2.Fill in all red required fields (and others as necessary). Click Review to move to the next step. Add a New Voter
Notice to One-Stop Same Day Registrants when you click review, the “Notice to One- Stop Same Day Registrants” form will print.
3.Verify information entered from step 1 is correct. If it is, click Save to save the registration data and move to the final step. 4.If an error was made, use the Back button to correct the problem. 5.If you need to cancel the registration process completely, click Cancel. Add a New Voter continued…
6.Select the proof of residency type from the pop-up list and click Save. 7.Click Vote to complete the registration and vote process. The No-Excuse application or label will print. If you need to cancel the Vote process, click Cancel. The registration information that was saved in step 2 still exists; this only cancels the logging of a vote. Add a New Voter continued…
2.Make changes to the name and/or address and click Review. 3.A Name/Address Change form will print for the voter to verify and sign 4.The Absentee History button displays any absentee voting information for the registrant 5.The Comments button displays any comments on the registrant record 1.Search for the registrant and then click the Name/Addr Only button. Update a Voter’s Name or Address
6.Verify information entered from step 1 is correct. If it is, click Save to save the registration data and move to the final step. 7.If an error was made, use the Back button to correct the problem. 8.If you need to cancel the name/address update completely, click Cancel. Update a Voter’s Name or Address continued…
9.Click Vote to complete the name/address change and the vote process 10.The No Excuse application or label will print 11.If you need to cancel the Vote process, click Cancel. The registration information that was saved in step 2 still exists; this only cancels the logging of a vote. Update a Voter’s Name or Address continued…
2.Make changes to the necessary registration information and click Review. 3.A Name/Address Change form will print for the voter to verify and sign 1.Search for the registrant and then click the Update Voter button. Click OK to the reminder message. Note: Update Voter is not available in OVRD mode Update Other Registration Data
6.Verify information entered from step 1 is correct. If it is, click Save to save the registration data changes and move to the final step. 7.If an error was made, use the Back button to correct the problem. 8.If you need to cancel the name/address update completely, click Cancel. Update Other Registration Data continued…
9.Click Vote to complete the registration changes and vote process 10.The No Excuse application or label will print 11.If you need to cancel the Vote process, click Cancel. The registration information that was saved in step 2 still exists; this only cancels the logging of a vote. Update Other Registration Data continued…
1.Print App: Allows you to print or re-print the No Excuse application. 2.Note: Allows you to add a Note to a registrant that has voted. Note: Not available in OVRD mode 3.Cancel Vote: Allows you to cancel a vote if you have permission to do so. 4.Street Search: opens the Geocode Search which allows you to review street data in your county 5.Check Transfer Status (only shown in Disconnected and Hybrid modes): allows you to view information about data transfers to and from the county 6.Exit: exits the application 7.Clear: clears all data from the screen There are several buttons on the main screen that can be helpful in specific situations: Other Button Functionality
File Menu The following features are available from the File menu: 1.Change Password: allows you to change the password used to login to SOSA. Connected mode will change the SEIMS password; Disconnected mode changes the local database password. This function is not available in Hybrid mode 2.Covert to OVRD: (Disconnected mode Only): allows you to covert your SOSA machine to OVRD for Election day use 3.Validate SOSA Machine: (used in Connected mode Only): Validates the machine for SOSA use and must be completed before voting is allowed 4.Exit: closes the application
Tools Menu The following features are available from the Tools menu: 1.Xfer From/To BOE (available in Disconnected or Hybrid modes only): allows you to perform data transfers. 2.New Voter: works the same as the New Voter button on the main screen 3.Street Search: works the same as the Street Search button on the main screen 4.Options: allows you to access the SOSA/OVRD options screen if permissions allow 5.Scan Absentee Voters (OVRD Only): allows you to manually flag registrants as having voted OneStop to update the database 6.Export Date for Post Election Audit: this closes the machine for SOSA voting and must be completed before converting to OVRD 7.Show Removed Voters: allows you to show or hide removed voters from the search results 8.Reports: allows you to run a Statistics or Detail report
Help Menu The following features are available from the Help menu: 1.SOSA Help Topics: launches the online help file for SOSA 2.Local Election Site Information: displays information about the current OneStop site 3.Other Election Sites: displays information about other OneStop sites 4.Machine Info: displays information about the machine in use, validation status, election and site information. This is the same screen that displays after login. 5.About SEIMS+ One Stop Voting Application: Gives version and support information for the application
OVRD Information Screen After logging in, the OVRD information screen displays with information regarding the Election, Precinct, Site, Machine and Alphabet Range
Main OVRD Screen The main screen for OVRD looks almost exactly like the SOSA main screen. It works the same way as it does in SOSA. However, certain functions like New Voter and Update Voter are not available in OVRD. OVRD also allows you to view any Pending Applications that exist in your VoterScan Review/I- Queue queues.
Searching and Voting in OVRD 1.Enter Search Criteria: the more criteria entered, the narrower the returned results. 2.Click Search. Matching results display 3.When a row is selected, more detailed information displays at the bottom of the screen. If registrant is eligible to vote, the Vote button is enabled. 4.Click View Voter to review the voter registration record 5.Click Vote to vote the registrant and print the ATV form
Voter Eligibility Warnings in OVRD When a registrant is selected, the lower left box will display their vote eligibility. Vote eligibility consists of the following: Figure 1: Voter is eligible to vote Figure 2: Voter cannot vote as they are not in the alphabet range set on the machine Figure 3: Voter cannot vote as they are not in the precinct set on the machine Figure 4: Voter must provide ID to vote Figure 5: Voter’s address must be updated to vote Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
OVRD Tools Menu: Flagging OVRD has several options that are not available in SOSA: Flag Selected Voter as Transferred: allows you to flag a voter in your precinct as having voted at another OVRD site. A window will display asking which precinct they voted in (Figure 2) Flag Selected Voter as Absentee: allows you to flag a voter in your precinct as having voted Absentee or One-Stop Scan Absentee Voters: allows you to batch scan registrants that voted Absentee or OneStop, but are not flagged as such in the local database Note: in all the above cases, flagged registrants are stored on the local machine only and will not be transferred to the county database Figure 2
OVRD Tools Menu: Flagging continued… When a voter is flagged as Absentee, the information displays at the bottom of the screen (Figure 1). Figure 2 When a voter is flagged as Transferred, the information displays at the bottom of the screen (Figure 2). Figure 1 When a voter is flagged as Absentee or Transferred, the Tools menu items will change to Unflag as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3
OVRD Data Transfers Data transfer is a bit different in OVRD than it is in SOSA. Xfer From BOE (Disconnected): allows you to import updated data from the county database into OVRD and can be performed multiple times (same as with SOSA) Xfer To BOE (Disconnected): transfers vote data to the county database and can only be performed once. The OVRD machine is disabled for voting once a Xfer to BOE is completed
OVRD Election Day Transfers There are several transfer situations that may occur in OVRD on the Name/Addr Only screen: 1. Voter is in precinct but has moved to another precinct: When you update their address, you will receive the message in Figure 1 and the Vote button becomes a Transfer button (Figure 2). A Election Day Transfer form will print. Figure 1 Figure 2
OVRD Election Day Transfers continued… There are several transfer situations that may occur in OVRD on the Name/Addr Only screen: 2. Voter is not in precinct but has moved into precinct: When you update their address, click Vote to save the registration information as a transfer and vote. A record will appear in VoterScan Review with the new address once data is transferred to the county. The ATV form will print.
OVRD Election Day Transfers continued… There are several transfer situations that may occur in OVRD on the Name/Addr Only screen: 3. Voter is not in your precinct and has moved to another precinct: Once the address is changed and you click Review, the message at the right will display. This registrant would have to be sent to the New location to Vote.
One-Stop Site Election Assignments With the new addition of Election Assignments for One-Stop sites, there a few new steps to take in regard to setting up your One-Stop sites. In One Stop System Manager: click on Site Manager. Select an existing site, or add a new site and click the Election Assignments tab. Select the Election Date and enter all times in the grid. If this site is in lieu of the CBE then you should click the box that states “Use instead of voting at the County Elections Office.