地域間相互接続実験 RIBB の活動と今後の課題 菊池 豊 KIKUCHI Yutaka Department of Information Systems Engineering Kochi University of Technology
Topology of the Internet in Japan Disaster in Tokyo will affect regional residents even when there is no damage in that region Throughput must be worse in many cases because of routing detours Tokyo gains more and more Facilities, Engineers and Capital Tokyo has gained enough already RIBB Topology of JP Conclusion Regional Activity JGN AV streaming Data Center DISTIX About RIBB
Regional Activities in Japan Many noteworthy activities in the Regions Toyama, Tohoku, Yamanashi, Tokai, Okayama and Hiroshima Not enough collaboration among them even they know each other RIBB Topology of JP Conclusion Regional Activity JGN AV streaming Data Center DISTIX About RIBB
For research and development towards the next generation build on ATM tech. Max 2.4 Gbps link Free use no commercial traffic JGN (Japan Gigabit Network) You finished the background
RIBB: Regional Internet Backbone Since May 1999 Interconnection of Regional Activities Researchers and Developers Projects Regional Networks Network is Constructed on JGN RIBB Topology of JP Conclusion Regional Activity JGN AV streaming Data Center DISTIX About RIBB
The purpose of RIBB Practical Research for the next generation Network Service for Users –Contents Distribution –Distributed Transportation for Audio Video Streaming –Broadband Application High Speed Access Lines –CATV, xDSL, Radio link, FTTO, FTTH High Speed Backbone –Broadband, Ultra high speed –Routing, IPv6, QoS
Member of RIBB Chair: Hayashi (Reitaku Univ.) Core Staff: Nakagawa (Intec Net Core) Hiji (Hitachi Tohoku) Yatsushiro (Yamanashi Women ’ s Univ.) Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) 10 Organizations (1999) 23 Organizations (2001) 35 Organizations (Now)
YamanashiToyama Gifu Koriyama Hiroshima Aizu 124M 135M 65M RIBB Topology (1999) 135M U-Tokyo Tohoku-u Nagoya-u Kochi
RIBB Topology (2001) Yamanashi Toyama Shiojiri Gifu Aizu Sapporo Mie Hiroshima Sendai JPIX U-tokyo Tohoku-u Nagoya-u Kochi Osaka-u Koriyama Kyushu-id IRI Kyoto-u Kyusyu Kyutech CRL Nagano
RIBB Topology (Now)
Examples of the RIBB Activities Distributed Transportation of Audio Video Streaming Distributed Transportation of Audio Video Streaming Distributed Data Center Distributed Internet eXchange Discussion Discussion RIBB Topology of JP Conclusion Regional Activity JGN AV streaming Data Center DISTIX About RIBB Data Center
Conclusion New Technology is needed Users and Traffic are increasing Strained network topology in Japan RIBB an Integrated research project on JGN Research and Development –impacts to the Internet in Japan RIBB Topology of JP Conclusion Regional Activity JGN AV streaming Data Center DISTIX About RIBB
Acknowledgement All RIBB members Live!Eclipse Project Many people who support us RIBB is supported by TAO JGN-G11012 DISTIX is sponsored by TAO I Illustration by Michiko