EE/CS 481 Spring /28/2015 1:18:59 PM University of Portland School of Engineering Project Chitwood eNVy Team Will Dana Mike Dillon John Guptill Advisor Dr. Van De Grift Industry Representative Ms. Lynnette Nguyen
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Network Visualization tool to view both network topology and traffic patterns Sensors capture data and send to user
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard TSP completed and functions on its own Traffic Generators used for testing this TSP able to detect 4 virtual machines Tested integration of UIS and TSP back ends Able to successfully see traffic passing to a single node from Google
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Additional Accomplishments Built testing server 2 NICs and 5 virtual machines Good team-instructor meeting Network Topology Screen and Traffic Histogram Screen on their way to being completed
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Start working on integration of the final components Finish up the GUI frontends Tie GUI to the backend Continue testing project
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionTarget DateCompleted Date 11 Theory of Operations Version.911/28/ /28/08 12 UIS Back End: Gather/Process Data From Sensors1/16/09 13 UIS Front End: Traffic Summary1/16/09 14 Theory of Operations Version.951/19/09 15 Testing of Processing Data From Sensors1/23/2009 1/30/09 16 Theory of Operations Version 1.01/30/2009 2/3/09 17 UIS Front End: Traffic Histogram2/6/09 18 Integrate Traffic Sensor and UIS2/13/2009 2/12/09 19 UIS Front End: Traffic Topology2/20/09 20 Traffic Generator2/20/09 1/30/09 21 Test Entire Application2/27/ Bug Fixes3/13/ User Tests3/20/ Demonstration to Advisors3/27/ Founder's Day Presentation Demo4/3/ Founder's Day Presentation4/7/ Final Report Version.94/10/ Final Report Version.954/17/ Final Report Version 1.04/24/2009
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues GUI Java graphics packages are not as flexible as previously hoped Resorting to custom coded controls is eating up time Both deadlines for both major screens missed Integration Some of it done, still worried about bringing together the GUI with the rest of functioning system Time commitments Each team member has very loaded schedules
EE/CS 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Things are going well The heart of eNVy (packet capturing and filtering) done and working The soul of eNVy (GUI) still under development, but we have a month of buffer time to get it done We will have it done by Founder’s Day Design is solid and other than the missed GUI deadlines, we’re on schedule Any Questions?