Язык текстовых сообщений Педагогический колледж №16 Преподаватель английского языка Гладышева Е.В.
Содержание Предъявление темы занятия Особенности языка SMS-cообщений и чатовОсобенности языка SMS-cообщений и чатов Закрепление материала Контрольные задания Литература
Can you translate this text message into normal English? Want to meet later? Text me back. Sam.
Before the new millennium, the English word text was just a noun, but these days texting is one of teenagers’ favourite activities.
Texting is an everyday phrase for what mobile phone companies call SMS, or ‘short message service’
Texters are not limited to words. They can add graphics or photos to their messages. What type of person would send each graphic, and who to?
Texting is hard work on the thumbs. So it has developed its own language of abbreviations
Rewrite the text message in full using standard English Hi, Lisa! What are you doing later today? Want to do anything with us? Or maybe tomorrow? Send me a message. See you. Emma.
How is the language of text messages and chat rooms different from standard English? The main differences of text message and chat room language from standard English Abbreviations : letters instead of words (b= be, c=see) the use of numbers (2,4,8) No capital letters Americanisms (program, disk) Dropping sentence beginnings (Want to text?)
Литература Elizabeth Sharman. Across Cultures. Longman, 2005 Luke Prodromou. Rising Star. An Intermediate Course. Student’s book. Macmillan, 2005 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 2004