S.3 English Speaking Camp 18th - 20th July, 2001
Classes: (2 hours each) Class I: Ways to learn vocabulary and phrases Class II: International Phonetics Symbols Class III: Learning to use the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Class IV: Reading and Writing Skill
Class I: Ways to learn vocabulary and phrases For a passage, use a mind map to record vocab. in phrases under a theme. Pay attention to collocation. Use a dictionary to help (e.g. Dictionary of Selected Collocations). Record the difficult vocab. into vocab. sheets arranged in alphabetical order. Use a dictionary to help. Record single vocab. you come across into the vocab. sheets. Revise the vocab. sheets and mind maps from time to time. Refer to the vocab. sheets and mind maps when doing compositions.
Class II: International Phonetic Symbols Study the Pronunciation Table in the Dictionary. Learn the symbols of Jones / IPA systems. Learn the 12 vowels, 8 diphthongs and 24 consonants Learn the stress mark and division of sounds Practise reading difficult words with the help of the phonetic transcriptions given by the dictionary.
Class III: Learning to use the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary(Oxford) Using the Dictionary Finding words and meanings Writing English Speaking English Speaking English Grammar Grammar Verb patterns (25) Abbreviations used in the text
Class IV: Reading and Writing Skills Types of texts and their purposes Structures and style of different text types Phrases and sentences to serve the writing purposes Write essays by applying learnt structure and style; phrases and sentences
Games and Activities (Competitions in 5 groups of 5 students) Language games Story Telling (in good intonation) Teach and learn Orienteering Talent Show