SHAPING AND IMPLEMENTING THE BALKAN FOOD PLATFORM Mirjana Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic, Agnes Kadvan, Jelena Milesevic, Zvonimir Satalic, Marija Ranic, Mojca.


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Presentation transcript:

SHAPING AND IMPLEMENTING THE BALKAN FOOD PLATFORM Mirjana Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic, Agnes Kadvan, Jelena Milesevic, Zvonimir Satalic, Marija Ranic, Mojca Korošec, Igor Spiroski, Arne Oshaug, Paul Finglas EuroFIR NEXUS 2nd annual meeting and conference, March 5-6, 2013 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction The European Food Information Resource Network - EuroFIR aims to develop food composition data platform in Europe including CEE countries. Capacity development (CD) in food and nutrition is much more than formal training and includes human resource, organizational, institutional and legal framework development; long-term, continuous process that focuses on national priorities, development policies plans and processes EuroFIR FP6 - IMR+NCDNCEE EuroFIR Nexus FP7- IMR+NCDNCEE+CAPNUTRA 28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 2

Background EuroFIR-IMR-NCDNCEE  Partnership with EuroFIR together with the UNU/SCN Network for CD in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE) ( IMR created the tool Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) - web based software for developing new FCDB harmonized with EuroFIR technical annex, standards and recommendations Implemented the first online Serbian FCDB harmonized with EuroFIR recommendations  Established collaboration with national contacts in non EuroFIR countries in CEE and MENANA Identified: - FCDB status in CEE countries and MENANA i.e. lack of FCDB and software for database management - Specific training needs and opportunities for collaboration in food and nutrition in non-EuroFIR countries Tailor made FCDB training workshops, capacity development and courses were organized with EuroFIR and NCDNCEE support and individual EuroFIR training bursaries were given to CEE and MENANA participants  This collaboration aimed to capacity development in food composition database with EuroFIR, particularly for the CEE countries

4th UNU/SCN NCDNCEE. Belgrade, November participants from 15 CEE countries. 2nd Meeting of the NCDNCEE. 16th -17th November Budapest, Hungary FAO-SEUR office. 18 participants from 9 CEE countries 5th Meeting of the NCDNCEE Belgrade, Serbia, November participants from 10 CEE countries 6th Meeting of the UNU/SCN NCDNCEE, Belgrade, 25th-26th May, 2011, 32 participants from 15 CEE countries

EuroFIR Nexus FP7-IMR-NCDNCEE-CAPNUTRA EuroFIR Nexus - EU FP EuroFIR Food Platform: Further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainability IMR becomes a partner of the EuroFIR-Nexus FP7 project EUROFIR Nexus aims to improve connectivity between the availability and use of food composition data and related tools by the science community and other stakeholders. EuroFIR Nexus Work Package 4. Training and spreading of excellence within EuroFIR-Nexus Task 4 – Shaping and implementing Balkan Food platform with Network for Capacity Development in Central & Eastern European Countries

Task 4 – Shaping and implementing Balkan Food platform with Network for Capacity Development in Central & Eastern European Countries Aim Aim: Improve and extend the existing Balkan Food Platform and develop 1st online Regional FCDB for West Balkan Countries (WBC) using a web based application Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) software Steps: Steps:  Involvement of compilers from different countries in shaping Balkan Food platform  Identify FCDB status in WBC and CEE  Identify and prioritize training needs; plan and organize meetings and workshops  Improve and extend web applications for nutrition research and education applications  Develop and sign MoUs with with key food and nutritional stakeholders from Balkan and CEE countries 28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 6

Activities of Balkan Food Platform are reflected through development of Regional online food composition database with foods specific for countries of Central and Eastern Europe and West Balkan. Albania FB&H Bulgaria Croatia Hungary Macedonia Moldova Serbia Montenegro Romania Slovenia Balkan Food Platform New members: Russia Ukraine Cyprus

HOW:  FCDB status and training needs questionnaire  Web-based Food Composition Data Management (FCDM) software for FCDB creation (national/regional) - developed by the IMR research team according to EuroFIR recommendations+ Manual for users  CD activities comprise NCDNCEE workshops and trainings e.g. compilation of the foods and recipes information from Balkan countries  The basis of the regional FCDB is Serbian FCDB with contribution from other countries i.e. Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia and is open for new members’ contribution 28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 8

FCDB Status in CEE - overview FCDB statusFB&H + RS CROCYPMACMLDMNERU S SRUASLO There are printed food composition tables (available in language(s): NOYES NOYES NO YES There is electronically available FCDB with restricted access (available in language(s): NOYES NO YES (SR&EN) NO YES There is electronically available FCDB with public access (available in language(s): NO There is online FCDB with restricted access (available in language(s): NO YES*NO YES* There is online FCDB with public access (available in language(s): NO (SLO&EN) Additionally, there are software(s) based on national food composition data: NOYES NO YESNOYES Food composition data available in my country is predominantly: BA+BAB A & BBA A Please grade the importance of creating regional FCDB from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important) Please grade the potential of existing grey literature food composition data in your country from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important * Access possible with EUROFIR membership A- Analytical data in FCDB B- Borrowed data from other countries FCDB

FCDB status based on questionnaires for CEE countries NO FCDB Paper version of FCDB Software and electronic version of FCDB Online available FCDB FCDB status: B&H MNE MAC SLO

Training needs in the field of production of food composition databanks in CEE (workshops, seminars, courses, E-learning) Training needs FB&H+ RS SLOCROCYPMAC MN E MLDUASRRUS Food and nutrient priorities YES* Choices of analytical methods YES* Sampling of Foods YES* Data Quality and Evaluation YES* Food nomenclature systems YES* Recipe calculation YES* Data base management systems YES* Steps in establishing FCDB YES* Reviewing of existing data YES* * For the first time on NCDNCEE meeting 1 (no training needs) - 5 (strong training needs) Priority needs

Data overview trough the WEB site: (for mobile devices) FCDB (national/regional) Developed according to EuroFIR Technical Annex and recommendations LanguaL coding EFSA Food EX2 Web based application Food Comp Data Management (FCDM)- by EuroFIR Technical Annex and recommendations

Documenting the parameters according to EUROFIR classification - Name (original language) - Name (English) - Scientific food name - Food group - Origin (an.,veg.,min.) - Article number (EAN code) - Portion size - Color - Producer - Distributer -Selected value - measure unit - Matrix unit - Acquisition type /FCDB, laboratory (industy, independent...), food label, published scientific paper.../ - date of generation - date of evaluation - Value type /average, min.,max.,more than..., less than.., median, trace.../ Method type /analytical, calculated, estimated.../ - Method indicator - Method parameter - Official method name - Analytical key steps - /extraction,separation.../ - Laboratory performance /accuracy, precision,.../ FCDB - Book - Journal issue... /Title, authors, language, ISBN, edition date.../ REFERENCE METHOD VALUES FOOD identification

Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) – Recipe calculation Input of composite dishes -recipes PROCEDURE INGREDIENTS & COOKING METHODS

Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia Regional FCDB Internet Server Balkan Food Platform: design and resources Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) ( Regional partners – compilers ) WEB (End users)

Regional FCDB Country No. of food items No. of parameters F B&H526 Croatia Republic of Macedonia2085 Republic of Serbia Slovenia14207 Cyprus5134 Total Total no. of parameters31993 Average paremeters / food15 CHANCE coded foods1039 LANGUAL coded foods965 Total no of langual codes11668 EFSA coded foods traditional recipes from 6 countries! More recipes - collection in progress! Language adaptation and communication with other FCDB and EuroFIR food platform; tools

1.Capacity Development in research, education and training and dissemination: Network meetings Workshops/trainings/ Food comp courses 4 publications in international journals oral & posters presentations at international meetings Website: Video films: 8Dx9SkKsqo& o-c CD activities in shaping Balkan platform and dissemination 2. Capacity Development - Nutritional Tools  Web based application-Food Comp Data Management (FCDM)  Balkan food platform and regional food composition data base  Diet Assess tool-Software for dietary assessment  Nutri-RecQuest webaplication with recommendations  NUTritional PLANning software

Publications in Journals Gurinović M, et all.(2010). Capacity development in food composition database management and nutritional research and education in Central and Easter European, Middle Eastern and North African countries. EJCN 64, S134-S138. Pavlovic M, et all.(2009). Turning dilemmas into opportunities: a UNU/SCN capacity development network in public nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe. Public Health Nutrition: 12(8), Pavlovic M, et all. (2009). Training and capacity building in central and eastern Europe through the EuroFIR and CEE networks. Food Chemistry 113 (8): Glibetic M, et all. (2010). Management of food composition database harmonized with EuroFIR criteria using a web application. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

Workshop: Regional Food Composition Data Base, A FCDM software application in Balkan Food Platform development, Belgrade 26 th May 2011, EuroFIR-Nexus &NCDNCEE 32 participants from 15 CEE countries The agenda of the meeting is available at website: Photo gallery at website: Video film is available at: You Tube: 6th Meeting/Workshop of the UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE), May 2011, Belgrade, Serbia

Food Composition Data Base (FCDB) Development through NCDNCEE activities and future activities: partnership with EuroFIR NoE & EuroFIR AISBL- Belgrade 26 May 2011 Workshop: Regional Food Composition Data Base: Web based Food Comp Data Management (FCDM) software application in BalkanFood Platform development

First Symposium of the Capacity Development in Nutrition and Food Research in Central and Eastern Europe (CAPNUTRA): Balkan Food Platform - Regional Food Composition Data Base development January 2013, Belgrade, Serbia The agenda, report and photo gallery of the meeting: / Video film:

28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 24 Memorandum of Understanding – MoU- D4.4 For the purpose of collaboration and support of enabling : international harmonisation of standards in food composition data establish and/or develop the national food composition database and electronic dataset in “Country” accordingly to the European Food Data Standard and linked to the Balkan and EuroFIR Food Data Platforms. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed in January 2013 between: Institute of Food Research representing the EuroFIR Nexus  Institute of Food Research representing the EuroFIR Nexus  “EuroFIR Food Platform: further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainability  Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, IMR, Belgrade, Serbia  Capacity Development Network in Nutrition in CEE- CAPNUTRA  European Food Information Resource EuroFIR AISBL

Balkan Food Platform Memorandum of understanding -MoU National food database compiler organisation from CEE: Croatia (2 institutions) Cyprus FB&H FB&H Republic of Macedonia Republic of MacedoniaMoldova MontenegroRussiaUkraine Balkan Food Platform MoU will strengthen cooperation in food composition in the Balkan Countries and with EuroFIR Food Data Platform.

28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 26 Plans for sustainability Balkan platform is shaped, Network is formed and objectives are reached ! Implementation of Balkan platform through use of Nutritional tools for FCDB Capacity Development Network in Nutrition in CEE countries- CAPNUTRA, is formed as the Regional Network and the sustainability plan is made to sustain the Balkan Food Platform: 1. further collaboration with EuroFIR AISBL 2.future involvement in EC projects (EuroFoodNet, EURODISH), Bilateral collaboration, National projects, COST actions 3.collaboration with regional networks, 4.key food and nutritional stakeholders from WBC 5.SMS, clusters, 6. food industry 7.Consumers organization etc 8.Policy makers 9.UNO

28/10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 27 The deliverable from Task 4 (D4.6) Final report on Balkan Food Platform, recommendations for future integration WBC/EECA countries: Final report on Balkan Food Platform including results from capacity building in food and health, and future recommendations for long-term sustainability. Final report on Balkan Food Platform including results from capacity building in food and health, and future recommendations for long-term sustainability.

Conclusions Balkan food platform with involvement of key food and nutritional stakeholders from WBC and the 1 st online regional Food composition data base relevant to these countries is essential to support the work of dietitians, nutritionist, researchers and policy makers Shaping Balkan Food platform, using FCDM software with harmonize data collection, storage and exchange throughout WBC contributed to data exchange between different countries in Europe and for integration of any new food data in the future and to link with European Food Data Platform

Thank you for great collaboration!

CAPNUTRA Symposium Belgrade, Serbia, /10/2015 Gurinovic M., Center of Research Excellence in Nutrition And Metabolism Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia 30