DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 1 Europe and education School education
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 2 l The School Education Action of the European Community’s Programme “Socrates” on Education l 2 nd phase: COMENIUS
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 3 Participating countries l 15 EU Member States l EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) l Associated countries (bilateral association agreements) : Central and Eastern European Countries Cyprus Malta Turkey l Third countries
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 4 Who can participate? l Pupils, students and other learners l All categories of educational staff (such as teachers, head teachers, administrative staff, management staff, guidance counselors and inspectors) l All kinds of educational establishments l Education authorities at local, regional and national level
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 5 Who else? l Public and private bodies which co-operate with educational establishments, in particular: Local and regional bodies Businesses Associations Non-profitmaking organisations Social partners Research centers
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 6 Financial framework l SOCRATES : 1850 Million € / 7 years / EU l COMENIUS : at least 27% l additional funds for participating countries from outside EU
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 7 Objectives l Enhance the quality of education l Reinforce the European dimension of education l Promote the learning of languages l Promote intercultural awareness
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 8 Overall priorities l Equal opportunities l Pupils at risk l Children of migrants, Gypsies, travellers and occupational travellers l Pupils with special educational needs POLICY OF INCLUSION
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 9 Comenius - 3 actions 1.SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS 2.TRAINING OF SCHOOL EDUCATION STAFF 3.NETWORKS
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 10 Comenius 1 SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 11 Priorities l Pupils with special educational needs l Intercultural education, combat racism and xenophobia l Equal opportunities for women and men l Schools lacking experience in European cooperation l Disadvantaged schools and pupils
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 12 Main elements l Comenius Plan l Continuation of successful school actions l Comenius School Development Projects l Integration of ex-Comenius Action 2 l Mobility of pupils in all projects l Simplified procedures
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 13 Comenius Plan l Short and simple paper l Tool for school to plan and evaluate activities under Comenius l Outcome of reflection and discussion between all actors concerned l Point of reference for the National Agencies
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 14 Comenius 1 Three project types : l Comenius School Projects l Comenius Language Projects l Comenius School Development Projects
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 15 Comenius School Projects l Objective : to develop and reinforce the European dimension of school education l Format : at least 3 schools from at least 3 countries for 3 years maximum l Area : any theme or topic of common interest to the participating schools
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 16 Comenius Language Projects l Objective : to improve pupils’ motivation and capacity to learn foreign languages l Format : 2 schools in 2 countries for 1 year l Priorities : the least widely used and taught languages of the EU vocational and technical schools
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 17 Integrated and multidisciplinary projects l Part of regular school activities l Part of the pupils’ programme of study l Involve several groups of pupils/classes l Bring together various disciplines l Involvement of as many pupils and teachers as possible
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 18 Comenius School Development Projects l Objective : to improve school management and pedagogical approaches l School centered : management and staff l Format : at least 3 schools in at least 3 countries for 3 years maximum l Area : any theme or topic relating to management and pedagogical approaches of common interest to the participating schools
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 19 Examples l Integration of pupils with special educational needs l Integration of ethnic minority groups l Preventing and combating racism and xenophobia l Conflict resolution; prevention of violence l Equal opportunities between girls and boys l Acquiring skills in the language of instruction l Adapted teaching methods; classroom management l Involvement of mediators and teaching assistants l Involvement of parents and the local community l Co-operation and co-ordination with local authorities such as social services, health services, employment services, youth services and the police
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 20 Partners other than schools l Objective : to embed projects in a wider school and local environment l Examples : parents’ associations, pupils’ associations, local and regional authorities, businesses, associations, non-profitmaking organisations, NGOs, museums etc.
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 21 Mobility l Support for : Staff Pupils l Differences according to type of project
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 22 Staff Mobility l Outside projects : preparatory visits l Within projects : transnational project meetings head teacher study visits teacher exchanges teacher placements accompanying class exchanges
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 23 Pupil Mobility l Comenius School Projects l Comenius School Development Projects l Comenius Language Projects participation of limited number of pupils in transnational project meetings class exchanges for min. 14 days of min. 10 pupils aged 14 years and above
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 24 Financial support Standard amount Variable amount Various project costs Transnational mobility of staff and pupils
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 25 Project grant (1) l Standard amount : 2000 € / year for co- ordinating school 1500 € / year for partner school l Does NOT cover : staff costs transnational mobility l Covers : linguistic preparation consumables translation documentation software general administration other (e.g. minor equipment items)
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 26 Project grant (2) l School Projects and School Development Projects : appr. 4-6 staff / year / school appr. 2-4 pupils / year / school l Language Projects : min. 10 pupils / school l Variable amount : travel costs : real cost subsistence costs : for staff in exceptional cases for pupils min. - max. SOCRATES rates
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 27 Simplified procedures l Project period = school year l One closing date per year (1 March) l Project package application l Multiannual contracts l Transparent and coherent criteria and rules in all participating countries
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 28 Calendar YEAR 2000 l Ex-Comenius Action 1 and ex-Lingua E continue l Individual staff mobility under ex-Comenius Action 1 l One project deadline : 1 st March 2000 YEAR 2001 l Comenius Plan for new project applications l Comenius School Development Projects l Package application l Pupil mobility in all project types l Multiannual contracts
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 29 Management l Decentralised action l Your contact point your National Agency
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 30 National Agencies National Agencies : l provide information to schools l receive and select applications l allocate grants l issue contracts and make payments l monitor projects and assess project reports
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 31 Links with other actions Schools can also : l host Comenius Language Assistants l participate in Comenius 3 networks
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 32 Hosting Comenius Language Assistants Interested schools : l apply on 1 March for next school year l join Comenius Plan with application l send application to National Agency l may receive an assistant for 3-8 months l do not receive any financial support
DG Education et Culture Socrates - Comenius 33 Participation in Comenius 3 Interested schools can : l obtain information on networks from their National Agency l apply for a preparatory visit grant to take part in a network contact seminar l apply for mobility funds within their project to participate in network activities and events