Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum Update and Opportunities
Art English Popular Culture Communications History Comparative Studies Women’s Studies Japanese Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Literature
FACULTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr. Lawrence Baum, Political Science Dr. Anand Desai, Glenn School of Public Affairs Dave Filipi, Wexner Center for the Arts Dr. Jared Gardner, English/Popular Culture Dr. David Herman, English/Project Narrative Jack Hershey, Associate Vice President for Government Affairs Dr. Jessie M. Labov, Slavic & East European Languages & Literatures Dr. Charles Massey, Jr., Art Dr. Felecia Ross, Communications David Staley, Goldberg Center/History Dr. James Unger, East Asian Languages & Literatures
Increase our square footage from 6,800 to 25,000. Increase the visibility and accessibility of our unique collection. Help us engage new audiences, including school and community groups, with expanded services and programming. Allow us to better fulfill our mission to preserve and promote cartoons and comics.
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum Sullivant Hall Project Ireland/Graves Foundation: $7 million Additional gift of $1 million for operating endowment Jean Schulz: $1 million Schulz Challenge: $5 million Goal: $13 million
Schulz Challenge Robinsons: $1 million Friends of the OSU Libraries: $400,000 Will Eisner Foundation: $250,000 Scripps Howard Foundation: $100,000 Beeler Family: $100,000 Krumm: $100,000 Bil Keane Family: $50,000 Kahns: $50,000 Anonymous: $50,000 Individual Gifts: $110,000 Goal: $2.5 million Pledged to date: $2.21 million Only $290,000 left to raise to complete the Schulz Challenge Jean Schulz will match dollar-for- dollar all additional money raised up to $2.5 million
Timeline Construction documents complete Demolition to start January 2012 Construction will take 18 months Move-in: Summer 2013 Grand opening: Fall 2013
New Opportunities Engagement with faculty and students Engagement with the local/Ohio community Engagement with the cartoon community, both national and international Collaboration Within OSUL With OSU departments/units With Central Ohio organizations With National/International