Roanoke: The Lost Colony
Sir Walter Raleigh
Queen Elizabeth Queen of England allows Sir Walter Raleigh to start a colony in the New World. The colony is named Virginia after Elizabeth Queen of England allows Sir Walter Raleigh to start a colony in the New World. The colony is named Virginia after Elizabeth
Sir Walter Raleigh attempts to colonize New World 1 st attempt: find a good spot to colonize 2 nd attempt: too many poets, artists and gem experts and not enough farmers and hard workers Leave after a few months to return to England 1 st attempt: find a good spot to colonize 2 nd attempt: too many poets, artists and gem experts and not enough farmers and hard workers Leave after a few months to return to England
3 rd attempt 1587 Artist John White leads colony Takes families. Not just men. White brings his daughter Eleanor Dare who delivers the first English baby in the New World. She is named Virginia Dare 1587 Artist John White leads colony Takes families. Not just men. White brings his daughter Eleanor Dare who delivers the first English baby in the New World. She is named Virginia Dare
John White drawing of American Indians
The Lost Colony Roanoke is failing and people are starving. John White goes back to England to ask for supplies for the colonies Roanoke is failing and people are starving. John White goes back to England to ask for supplies for the colonies
But England is busy fighting Spain so they can’t give him supplies or a ride back to America
It takes 3 years for John White to return to Roanoke When he arrives he doesn’t find his family but….
An empty fort with “CRO” carved on the wall
What happened to the lost colony? There are several theories about what happened to the colonists at Roanoke Attacked by indians Joined the local indian tribes and moved away Tried to sail back and shipwrecked There are several theories about what happened to the colonists at Roanoke Attacked by indians Joined the local indian tribes and moved away Tried to sail back and shipwrecked
What do you think happened??? Write a story about what happened to the lost colony of Roanoke. Include what happened to the baby girl Virginia Dare Explain the “CRO” on the fort wall Be as creative as you dare. Write a story about what happened to the lost colony of Roanoke. Include what happened to the baby girl Virginia Dare Explain the “CRO” on the fort wall Be as creative as you dare.