1 NIST Overview National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology Administration Department of Commerce Cita M. Furlani CASC March 4,
2 Secretary Deputy Secretary Secretary Deputy Secretary Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Patent and Trademark Office National Telecomm. & Info. Administration Technology Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology Office of Technology Policy National Technical Information Service (Other bureaus) Dr. Arden Bement Director Phillip Bond Under Secretary Donald Evans Secretary Dr. Samuel Bodman Deputy Secretary Dr. Hratch Semerjian Deputy Director Secretary Deputy Secretary Secretary Deputy Secretary
3 NIST Overview National Insute of Standards and Technology Technology Administration Department of Commerce Cita M. Furlani CASC March 4,
4 National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Assets Include: 3,000 employees 1,800 associates $773 million FY 2004 operating budget NIST Laboratories -- National measurement standards Advanced Technology Program Manufacturing Extension Partnership Baldrige National Quality Award NIST’s mission is to develop and promote measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life.
5 John Cahn 1998 National Medal of Science Bill Phillips 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics Eric Cornell 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics Johanna Sengers 2003 Women in Science Award and NAS Member Gregory Linteris Flew 2 Space Shuttle Missions Deborah S. Jin 2003 MacArthur Fellowship ‘Genius Grant’ World Renowned Scientists and Engineers
6 NIST Has Two Campuses…..and two joint Institutes Boulder, COGaithersburg, MD JILA University of Colorado CARB University of Maryland
7 Advanced Chemical Sciences Laboratory Advanced Measurement Laboratory NIST Center for Neutron Research AML NCNR ACSL Unique NIST Measurement and Research Facilities
Strong Relationships with Academia Manufacturing Extension Partnership 155 community colleges 50 technical colleges 215 universities Baldrige Quality Program University representatives serve on Baldrige judges panel and Board of Overseers Over 17% of Baldrige examiners are from higher education institutions Baldrige Award Education category added 1999 Advanced Technology Program Over 600 university participants Over 160 different universities NIST Laboratories Joint institutes Guest researchers, users Extensive collaboration
9 Strategic Focus Areas Biosystems & Health Nanotechnology Homeland Security Information / Knowledge Management NIST 2010
10 Scientific Computing at NIST Within the NIST scientific community there is an ever accelerating demand for increased IT capabilities. IT is used increasingly to design and conduct experiments and to extend/enhance measurement methods. Through use of IT NIST scientists continue to increase their capabilities to manage, mine, analyze, and visualize the ever growing amounts of experimental data they collect.
11 Soliciting future requirements for “computing power” Considering external alternatives for high end computing Providing general access systems in Central Computing Facility (CCF) Supporting individual OUs dedicated cluster systems Allowing OU Directors to set priorities for use of Scientific Computing Scientific Computing at NIST
12 Dr. Judith E. Devaney Leader, Scientific Applications and Visualization Group Information Technology Laboratory