The Marine Metadata Interoperabillity Luis Bermudez SECOORA March 10, 2005
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 1 Hurdles in marine metadata Not recognizing the fundamental problems Is not a prority Lack of resources to create “good” metadata Little reuse of previous work No way to work together Discover collaborators Actually collaborate Dissimilar approaches and understandings (technologists, scientists, educators, leaders) ”Not invented here" attitudes
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 2 Remove the Jargon Fear Factor Guides, guides and guides What is Metadata ? What are ontolgies ? What is SOAP ? Etc …
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 3 Community Responsability Search in Google for “marine metadata”
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 4 The Marine Metadata Initiative NSF starter funding, with SURA(ONR) in-kind support, NOAA CSC bridge funds International contributions and support Main deliverables: web site, and a community Goal for future: Solve the metadata problem At least, creating effective processes to improve it Asking world wide contributors, to work with us Identifying strategies and partners for operations
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 5 MMI as of Feb 2006 ~ 230 members. > 800 documents available. First place in Google search for: "marine metadata”. 11 major presentations in first year (e.g. DMAC,, OBIS, Oceans, GEON, OOSTech). 10 virtual tutorials given related to marine ontologies, tools and web services. One workshop “Advancing Domain Vocabularies” August 2005, Boulder, CO. Tools: VINE, VOC2OWL, Ontology Web Services, Tethys, Tethys-Axis (Most of them available at Sourceforge)
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 6 Data life cycle Data Source Data Provider Data User gets processes: formats/archives publishes gets processes: uses/analyzes sends gets processes: formats/archives sends
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 7 Our Guides Roy Lowry, BODC Robert Arko, LDEO Julie Bosch, NOAA Ben Domenico, Unidata Karen Stocks, SDSC Steve Hankin, NOAA - Ocean.US/DMAC Mark Musen, Stanford Univ Michael Parke, Univ of Hawaii Lola Olsen, NASA Goddard Bob Weller, WHOI Dawn Wright, Oregon State University Steering Committee Executive Committee John Graybeal, MBARI. (PI) Philip Bogden, SURA/SCOOP Stephen Miller, SIO. Francisco Chavez, MBARI. Stephanie Watson, Texas A&M
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 8 MMI: Your Handy Reference Guide MMI: Help Line: Post an event: Post an item: Get info re site: Workshop: Ontologies: Term Search: Tethys:
Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 9 Others Good example of data categorization: MMI demo: /search.jsp /search.jsp MMI tool to create SOAP Web Services: