EOSDIS Status 9/29/2010 Dan Marinelli, NASA GSFC


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Presentation transcript:

EOSDIS Status 9/29/2010 Dan Marinelli, NASA GSFC ESDIS Project, Science Systems Development Office

EOSDIS Context Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) ACCESS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) Instrument Science Team Facilities (SCFs and SIPSs) Data Assimilation Model Adapted from REASoN

EOSDIS Data Availability Timeline

Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project - GSFC Code 423 Objective - Develop and Operate Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) A production capability for standard science data products from EOS instruments An “active archive” of Earth science data from EOS and other past and present Earth science missions A distributed information framework (data centers, system elements, interfaces and data model) supporting EOS investigators and other users in science, government, industry, education, and policy Organizations: ESDIS Project meets its requirements by funding and managing several organizations including “Large” industrial: Raytheon (EMD) Distributed Data Centers - NASA Centers (GSFC, JPL, LaRC), other government agencies (EDC, ORNL), Universities (ASF, NSIDC, SEDAC) Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPSs) - NASA Centers (GSFC, JPL, LaRC, MSFC), NCAR Project Components: SDPS - System for ingesting, processing, archiving and distributing data Data Centers - Science System Operations EOSDIS Networks - Transportation of mission & science data SIPS - Systems developed and operated by PIs or Team Leaders for generation of standard data products for delivery to Data Centers Web Site: http://eos.nasa.gov/eosdis

Unique Data Sets: Total number of unique data sets distributed in the fiscal year Distinct Users of EOSDIS Data and Services: Total unique users across EOSDIS Data Users and Web Visitors, per data center and summed Web Site Visits: Sum of web visits for data centers where a visit represents a user session not broken by more than 30 minutes and a duration of at least one minute Average Archive Growth: Sum across reporting data centers of the data volume added to the individual archives divided by the days in the year Total Archive Volume: Sum across reporting data centers of the data volumes in the archive as of end of the fiscal year End User Distribution Products: Total number of products distributed from all reporting data centers End User Average Distribution Volume: Sum across reporting data centers of the data volume distributed for the fiscal year divided by the days in the year

Trends in data access About 812 million products distributed in total for all Fys About 9.5 PB distributed in total for all FYs

Volume Distributed - Top 10 Products FY2009 Annual Report

Files Distributed - Top 10 Products FY2009 Annual Report

EOSDIS Metrics Reference All kinds of other metrics information about EOSDIS can be found at: http://ems.eos.nasa.gov/reports/index.shtml

Recent Progress ECS 7.23 is operational at the sites which host ECS (Land Processes DAAC, Souix Falls, SD, Atmospheric Sciences Data Center, Langley, VA, and National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO) Migration to all disk archive is complete for the ECS systems; backup is LTO tape, but not used for near-line access There were corruption issues that needed to be resolved with a combination of backups/ reprocessing Much of the data was written ‘pre-checksum’ so research needed to be performed before we felt confident that that data was ‘ok’, e.g., Level 0 (non HDF) data; Focus now is on enhancing data access - EED Contract awarded 4/1 – for sustainment and development for the EOSDIS which includes ECS Science Data Processing System and the EOS Clearinghouse (metadata repository) Began supporting ICEBridge by working on initial set of data types; integrating into NSIDC ECS system

Plans for the next year EED - Hardware end-of-life issues being addressed with technology refreshes - ECHO metadata model to be made ISO 19115 compliant – will help us support new data systems which have ISO 19115 support required - Data access enhancements to support conversion services provided by the data centers which will include subsetting, reprojection and reformatting on data distributed from the ECS - Improved search client - EOSDIS Coherent Web presence - OpenDAP access to ECS data - Enhancements to support HDF as an archive format The HDF Group New grant beginning 7/15;