I believe that all children in our building should have the right to learn by technology. Today’s world is technology, and if we do not foster to that need we are impairing our children for the future. Technology starts with the administration filtered to the teachers who then pass it on to the students. Therefore, as administrators, we must set forth the example which we want followed.
There will be no more hand written attendance forms There will be a new software system installed into every teacher’s computer to submit attendance electronically. Every teacher is to submit attendance of their home room using this system by 9:00 a.m. every morning
All assignments must be posted on Black Board Students are to use blackboard to receive and submit assignments All grades will be scored in Black Board so the students can see their grade at any time All grades must also be scored in Making the Grade for teacher records
We will be purchasing new laptops for every student on the ED end of the building. These laptops are to be used only for classroom work and not to be taken home There will be strict security settings on these laptops along with electronic tracking devices
Room 130, the old music room will become a computer room Students may take laptops in there to work on assignments, web quests, or nova net We are hiring a new staff just for this room, so teachers may send their students there at anytime if the teacher feels it will help the student
Minnick Education Center will pay for training of any teachers/TAs/DTS, or administration who want to familiarize themselves with Microsoft Office, Wikis, Pod Casts, Black board and Smart board If we are going to teach it to the students it is imperative that we know what we are doing!
Once this plan is put into action I know it will take off Be patient, some children have never used a computer If there are any problems, there are several people who can help you out: ◦ Minnick Harrisonburg: Rick ◦ Minnick Roanoke: Stu ◦ Minnick Wytheville: James ◦ LFS IT Specialist: Jeremy