The Rise of the Atlantic World,
Portugal Involvement in Africa The search for gold Introduction to the slave trade New Slavery
Christopher Columbus Sailing West Reasons? A new world? Other major explorers?
God, Gold, and Glory!!!!! Which one is the most important to the explorers?
Amerigo Vespucci
Conquistadores “Indian” slaves Hernan Cortes and the Aztecs Francisco Pizaaro and the Incas Effects of the Spanish on the Natives
Ruling the Aztecs The Encomienda System Encomenderos
A Biological Encounter Changes in the population Peninsulares Criollos Mestizos Mulattos
Florida Texas New Mexico California Mexico
Late 1500s St Lawrence Valley South Carolina (Huguenots) Florida Quebec Louisiana Fur Traders The French were also influenced by God, Gold, and Glory…….fur became the french “gold”.
Late 1500s Problems between Spain and England Roanoke (1585)
Jamestown The Virginia Company Joint Stock Company John Smith The “Headright” System Indentured Servants
Royal – A colony governed directly by a king through an appointed governor. Proprietary – colonies granted to a group of private owners for development. Charter Colonies – colonies to which the crown granted a charter for the purpose of establishing a government. Purpose is to make a profit.
The House of Burgesses (1619) Representative Government King James revoked the Charter Jamestown becomes a royal colony (1624)
The Pilgrims (1620) The Mayflower Religious Reasons not freedom New Jurisdiction The Mayflower Compact
More Puritans 1630s Self governing farm community “City on a hill” Salem Witch Trials Religious tolerance
Workbook Chapter 2: Multiple Choice 1-10 Short Answer 3 and 5 Essay number 2