2015 Campaign Team Training
CFC Overview Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Update Rocky Mountain CFC Overview Campaign Team Overview Team Member Role & Responsibilities Campaign Timeline Solicitation Tips, Tools & Activities Giving Methods Pledge Collection & Reporting PII & OSI Security Tips & Tools Q&A Overview: 2 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Cari Allen, Northern Front Range Campaign Charity Coordinator (720) Anna Childress, Southern Front Range Campaign Charity Coordinator (719) Jen Weems, CFC Projects (415) Irma Jones, Operations Manager (720) Doug Bannick, Financial Services (650) Barbara Barfield, Campaign Director (719) RM Campaign Team 3
Established by Executive Order in Signed by President John F. Kennedy Only authorized charity fundraising in Federal workplace The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. Largest and most successful workplace giving campaign in the world. Designation Campaign – not all charities receive funds Each region sets Campaign Solicitation period sometime between September 15 – December 15 each year CFC FACTS 4 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
CFC Organizational Chart 5 Executive Committee Support Federal Agency Directors & Military Senior Commanders LFCC Oversight & Mentorship Agency Head Reps Charitable Organizations PCFO Board of Directors Campaign Director Campaign Coordinators Employee Campaign Coordinators or Installation Project Officers Unit/Dept Coordinators 100 or more employees Key Workers 1 per every 25 OPM Regulators
Online Giving Donor Confidentiality Efficiency - Reduced administrative workload Accuracy PII Multiple Giving Platforms Nexus EEX myPay - Lack of Reporting Mechanism for the Government platforms OPM Strategic Focus 6 Thank you for leading the CFC!
OPM Universal Giving Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Fed Members Local – All RegionsNationalInternational Online Universal Giving IndependentsFederations Independents Fed Members
5 CFR CFR 950 OPM Directives OPM Directives B , Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission-- Refreshments for a Combined Federal Campaign Event, July 11, CFC Guidance (Memoranda) CFC Guidance (Memoranda) DoD Directives DoD Directives DoD Directive DoD Directive Air Force Regulations (AF ) Army Regulations (AR600-29) Guidance from Specific Agencies Ethics Officer General Council CFC Regulations Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
100% Awareness 100% Opportunity 100% Follow-Up No Coercion PII & OSI Compliance Agency Ethics Rules CFC Regulations & Rules Summary 9 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Rocky Mountain CFC: 10 Pikes Peak & Rocky Mountain Merged effective January 2015 37 counties and covers the Front Range in Colorado Serve approximately 79,000 Federal Employees & Military Personnel Rocky Mountain CFC raised over $3.7 Million in 2014
RM CFC 2014 Results: 11 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! $3,737,684
RM CFC 2014 Results: 12 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 51% 49%
Campaign Team 13 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Employee Campaign Chair (ECC) Co-Chair, Administrative Assistant Key Workers (1:25) Finance Officer Events Coordinator Communications Coordinator
Campaign Team Roles 14 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Employee Campaign Chair (ECC) Team Leader! SO, build your team Delegator of responsibilities Include & Involve Agency Heads in the Campaign Recruit, Educate & Train Keyworkers (1:25) Recruit Volunteer Assistants (Finance, Communications, Events) With your team, create the Campaign Plan for your Agency/Facility/Installation Set Goals for Awareness, Participation, Donations Implement Campaign Activities Motivate & Inspire your team and others to give Campaign Collection from Key Workers Campaign Reporting Campaign Follow Up
Campaign Team Roles 15 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Co-Chair or Administrative Assistant Assists with coordination of campaign Assists with delivery of materials Assists with team contact information Assists with campaign communications Supports keyworker group meetings Enlists charity speakers Tracks all assigned unit information &activity Create the Campaign Plan for designated Federal Agencies
Campaign Team Roles 16 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Inspires & Motivates Giving One-on-One Solicitation One-on-One Follow up Collect Pledge Forms Prepare Reporting Envelope Verify Contents with Finance Officer/ECC/IPO Distribute Thank You Gifts Donor Follow Up Keyworker
Campaign Team Roles 17 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Finance Officer Collect Contribution Envelopes from Keyworkers Verifies Content of each Envelope Records Envelope Contents on Ledger Reconciles myPay Donor Report (if applicable) Processes NEXUS Payroll Contributions (if applicable) Verifies EEX Contributions (if applicable) Maintain PII Compliance Provides Thank You Recognition Gifts at the end of the campaign
Campaign Team Roles 18 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Events Coordinator Helps to plan event for your agency kick-off Books location Promotes the events Plans periodic smaller events throughout the campaign Remember that you should have Paper Pledge Forms on hand at any event so that employees can designate their dollars to the charity of their choice If you collect cash, use ONE paper pledge form to designate where that cash goes unless a donor wants their cash to go to a different charity If you collect checks, use ONE paper pledge form PER CHECK to designate what charity will get those funds
Campaign Team Roles 19 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Communications Coordinator Reads & uses info from weekly s from your Account Rep with new, updates, financial totals to send to employees s weekly updates to all employees Sends information about kick off events Sends information out about deadlines s news about the campaign
Campaign Timeline 20 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Six Week Solicitation Outline (Most Effective & Efficient) Ideal Solicitation Period (6 weeks from Oct 1-Nov 15) Week 1 – 100% Awareness Material Disbursement, Kickoff Event/Activity Week 2 – 100% Opportunity Group Presentation Week 3 – 100% Follow Up Collect Pledges Week 4 – 6 Follow Up and answer questions
Campaign Timeline 21 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! SEPTEMBER - Campaign Planning Decide who you need on your team Recruit & Train Team Send Key Workers to training (see website for date/locations close to you) One Keyworker for every 25 staff is good so that not one person is doing too much Consider a Finance Coordinator, Events Coordinator, and/or Communications Coordinator for bigger agencies to help. Events Committee - Ask former ECCs or Key Workers to serve this way
22 SEPT/OCT - AWARENESS & OPPORTUNITIES – Schedule pickup of Campaign Materials (brochures, paper pledge forms, envelopes, pens) Materials will be available at the CFC Warehouse Bldg. 810, doors N10-N11 Tuesday, September 22 9:00am-2:00pm Wednesday, September 23 9:00am-1:00pm Thursday, September 24 9:00am-12:00pm – Attend Kick Off Event with your team Thursday, October 15 Denver Federal Center (Bicentennial Park) 11:30am- 1:00pm – Plan and execute your own mini kick-off event and invite a few charities to come and speak – Weekly turn-ins the week of October 19 Campaign Timeline
23 NOVEMBER – PROMOTION & COLLECTION Get your Give On-line mid-campaign National Blitz will run the week of Nov 16-23, More tools and details to follow. Continue to collect donations. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Timeline
24 DECEMBER – COLLECTION & REPORTING Hero Nominations are due Friday, December 11. Forms will be available on the website 12/1 Names of all ECCs, Key Workers and Other Key Volunteers should be submitted to your Account Representative for Certificates of Appreciation by December 11 FINAL turn-ins should be the week of December Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Timeline
25 DECEMBER – COLLECTION & REPORTING December 1- December 11 Theme reminder – “Are you a change maker?” Season of giving reminder Tax Deduction reminder Contribution cut off reminder Electronic giving will be turned off COB Dec 15 reminder Last call to submit your pledge reminder Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Timeline
26 JANUARY 2015 – CELEBRATE Attend Campaign Celebration – Invite your team – Invite key leadership or donors who would enjoy getting a big picture of the CFC Pick up your Donor Appreciation Gifts, Certificates of Appreciation, Agency Awards at one of the HUB celebration events. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Timeline
Hang Posters/Flyers Blasts & Internal Newsletters with stories, updates, news Distribute materials (brochures & paper pledge form) Plan your own agency kick off Do a fun activity every week to keep CFC in front of staff Show CFC video at a staff meeting Have a staff member share why they are involved Invite a charity member (or a few) to come speak at an organized meeting. Use the “Preferred Speaker List” on the website (Available after Sept 21) Show a charity slide show (download from the website) PROMOTION 27 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
TOOLS TO USE Our website has all the tools you need to promote your campaign. CFC Handbook for ECCs and Key Workers Posters Poster Back Thermometer Event Flyer for Kick-Off Fairs Promotional Videos Training Videos Brochure Pledge Forms (For print or PDF to Fill-in) Mid-Campaign Blitz info Final Campaign Blitz info PROMOTION 28 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Promotional Materials Brochure & Poster 29 Thank you for leading the CFC! Online Flyer Thermometer Post It Reminder Post It Note Get Your Give ON-Line
revolutionize nourish strengthen Care for sustain help empower transform improve Safeguard equip alter CURe Encourage renew motivate uphold provide Support restore supply rebuild inspire Be A Change Maker… Protect boost
Boulder Kick Off, Boulder, CO – NOAA Facility Wednesday, October 11:30am – 1:00pm Downtown Denver Kick Off, Denver, CO – Tuesday, October 11:30am – 1:00pm (Alt Day 10/21) Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, CO – Wednesday, October 1:00pm – 3:00pm Denver Federal Center, Lakewood, CO – Thursday, October 11:30am – 1:00pm (Rain Day 10/22) Weld/Larimer County Kick Off, Ft. Collins – Tuesday, 11:30am – 1:30pm Campaign HUB Events 31 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Federal Center Fair Best Attended!!! Shred 3 Over 180 Charities Participated Rocky Mountain Region Kick-off Fairs ROCKED!
Campaign Headlines
Rocky Mountain Region Kick-off Fairs ROCKED!
Solicitation Activities 36 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Chili Cook-Off/ Crock Pot Cook- Off with different categories Candy Grams Fall Festival with pumpkin carving contest, cubicle decorating contests, costume contest Scavenger Hunt 5K walk or run Silent Auction/Basket Auction Bake Sales/Burrito Sales Penny Drive Swear Jar Motorcycle Ride Pie in the Face Jeans or Sports Gear on Fridays Ice Cream Social/Sundae Bar Book Exchange Sale Employee Testimonial E-Blasts Awareness: Best Practices
Solicitation Tips 37 Make the Ask The Number One Reason People don’t Give…they weren’t asked Provide campaign materials Discuss reasons for giving Personal, Family, Friend Service/Benefit Impact Pay Forward – Future Impact Encourage Payroll Deduction Remain available as a resource Say “thank you” often Opportunity: Meaningful Contact
Solicitation Tips & Tools 38 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! What worked and didn’t work??? Your Tips - Discussion Your Tools - Discussion
What will I miss if I go to the Bathroom?! Accounting and Reporting Procedures HURRY BACK! Stretch Break 39 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Giving Methods 40 Reoccurring Gift: Payroll Deduction – 90% of campaign Employee Express – Participating Federal agencies myPay DoD Military and Active Duty Civilians Independent Defense Agencies EPA, Dept of Energy, HHS, VA Nexus Payroll Deduction – All Personnel Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Giving Methods 41 Online: Employee Express or MyPay Online: CFC Nexus Mobile Pledging Credit Card Giving CFC Paper Pledge Form
Pledging Online 42 CFC Website: To practice: Login ID , Password Xma$1225
myPay Pledging 43 Website Charity Search – Login Campaign Code – 0141 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides Enter Charity Enter Allotment Amount Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 44 Thirty-minute time limit for transaction Donor has no ability to change pledges electronically Work Address field is only an alpha-numeric field for tracking of military command/unit or Federal agency/office Some pledges by members of the military were not made in home geographic campaign area due to personnel records or donor entry Suggest personal confirmation of pledges $2,500 or higher; Requirements – The work address must be official “.mil” or “.gov” address. This is for any official communication within the government about the gift. – The “acknowledgement address (if selected) must be personal, not “.mil” or “.gov.” OPM rules bar charities from communicating about the CFC inside official government channels.
myPay Pledging 45 The ‘Campaign Search’ screen is only be shown to active duty Army, Navy, and Air Force Personnel. This information is automatically provided for active duty Marines and Federal civilians. Maximum donation amount for military personnel is $833/month; for civilians is $1,000/pay period. Donors can designate to a maximum of 30 charities (29 if there are ‘undesignated’ funds remaining). Donors must be trained to enter their Command/Unit or Federal Agency/Office name code for pledges to be properly credited. There is no paperwork associated with this pledge type. The donor can print a receipt for his/her records. Highly recommend that they print this.
Ways to Contribute Employee Express Overview – Reoccurring payroll deduction only Check to see if your agency uses Employee Express for your benefits administration (a list is available at ) Log into your Employee Express account to make a pledge Employee Express pledging closes on December 15, 2015 EEX Pledging 46
Giving Methods 47 Website Charity Search – Login Select Agency Select CFC Security Alert – Click “continue” Select Charity(ies) Enter Pay Period Contribution Confirm Amount & Charities Click “YES” if correct Click “NO” if changes are desired Click “Submit and Return to Main Menu for Tax Deduction Confirmation Employee Express – Participating Federal agencies myPay DoD Military and Active Duty Civilians Independent Defense Agencies EPA, Dept of Energy, HHS, VA Nexus Payroll Deduction – All Personnel Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Pledging 49 Online Assisted Giving: NEXUS Online: Available to anyone Pledging Overview One Time Contribution - Cash, Check, Credit Card One Time Credit Card – 3% third party convenience banking fee Continual Gift – Payroll deduction (must renew annually, print & submit form) Register Search for charities Complete Pledging Confirmation
Pledging 50 Online Assisted Giving: NEXUS Training: Videos, Word doc & PDF Main Menu Help & training Pledging Overview New Visitors To CFC Nexus: Registration - Donors coming to cfcnexus.org for the first time Returning Donors: Login Or Password Recovery - Donors returning to cfccnexus.org with a previous user account All Donors: Pledging donors completion of the pledge form on cfcnexus.org Payroll Coordinators: Processing Pledges
CFC NEXUS Pledging 51 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Make a NEXUS Test Pledge Online:
Mobile Pledging 52 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute NEXUS Mobile Application Online: Same process NEXUS Demo:
CFC NEXUS Pledge Processing 53 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECC or finance officer requests permission to have payroll coordinator status in the Nexus system
Pledging 54 Hard copy/PDF Fill-in - Payroll Deduction, check or cash Traditional Pledge Form Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Pledge Form 55
Pledging 56 Traditional Form IG Audit Findings: Illegible, if it is unreadable, the pledge may not be processed correctly Monthly gift is listed as the annual gift Designation to an invalid code; pledges can only be made to agencies listed in this region’s brochure Form isn’t signed; payroll deduction cannot be authorized if the form isn’t signed Social security numbers is not provided; payroll deduction can not be authorized without the SSN; USPS employees may use their Employee ID#. Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Thanks You Awards 57 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Traditional pledge form reporting Recognition Coin - $120 - $1199 U.S. Mint Proof Set - $1,200+ Traditional pledge form – request on pledge form Donors don’t give for the donor gift, they can easily feel slighted if promised something they don’t receive
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 58 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! PCFO Tracking Form Provided for ECCs & Keyworkers Each KeyWorker keeps a list of their 25 co-workers with a check box of what gift that donor requests and whether or not they have received it Keyworkers submit contribution envelopes and gift tracking ledger to ECC/IPO or finance officer Keyworkers also submit thank you gift ledger electronically to ECC/IPO or finance officer ECC/IPO or finance officer cuts and pastes keyworker ledger info onto master gift tracking ledger
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 59 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Get Your Give ON-Line One time credit card, cash or check Reoccurring Payroll deduction Federal Agency: ____________________________Donor: _____________________________ Unit Name: ________________________________Unit Code:__________________________ Gift Level: General recognition coin I prefer not to receive a donor appreciation gift. Provided online for donor to print out and submit
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 60 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 61 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Traditional Form Donor fills out and submits donor contribution confirmation formwhen contributing online Keyworker includes tracking form in report envelope Keyworker uses tracking form to create list of donor gift needs Keyworker send tracking form electronically to UPO/finance officer or ECC as directed Keyworker reports gifts needed on report envelope for turn-in UPO tracks Unit gift needs on master tracking form
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking Ledger 62 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Turn-In Flow Chart 63 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! DonorsKeyworkerECC Federal Payroll Office CFC Staff (Regional PCFO Office) Charitable Organizations There may be a Unit Project Officer (UPO) in larger agencies if desired LE or PCFO Hub Administrator
KeyWorker Turn-In Pledge Preparation 64 Collect pledges weekly NEXUS Print outs of cash or check contributions with cash or check Do not collect credit card contributions – collect appreciation award form Traditional Pledge forms Pledges must be reviewed for completeness, accuracy and legibility DO NOT make changes to form; contact donor EEX & myPay pledge thank you gift confirmation form collection ONLY Collect and verify forms: Ensure donor’s name and address is included Ensure unit/office code is completed Ensure gift request is completed Report totals of each pledge type (cash, check and traditional payroll pledges) on report envelope; Report number of gifts requested on report envelope
Campaign Reporting 65 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Contribution Collections Tips Keyworkers Collect Contributions &/or Confirmation Forms Weekly PII & OSI Compliance –remove cover when submitting to ECC KeyWorkers make regular time to turn in report envelope with ECC Ensure your turn-in leaves plenty of time for both KeyWorker and ECC to verify envelope content and sign off on report envelope for chain of custody (IG compliance) Recommend one day prior to ECC turn-in
KeyWorker Turn-In 66 Envelope Verification for Weekly Turn-Ins Downtown Weekly Turn-Ins: Collect and Verify Report envelopes. Verify # of each type of pledge in envelope Verify $ of each type of pledges reported Verify e-pledging appreciation award confirmation forms Collect and verify forms: Ensure donor’s name is on form Ensure donor’s address is included Ensure unit/office code is completed Ensure gift request is completed Sign off on report envelope once content and report accuracy are verified Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Key Worker Turn-Ins 67 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting The UPO followed by the ME will collect all KW envelopes, verify the contents with the KW/UPO and turn in to IPO/Finance Officer weekly. IPO/finance officer will re-verify the content of the envelopes with the ME project officer. A chain of custody transition form on the envelope will be signed by the all parties at each level of turn-in. ( IG Compliance) NEXUS cash & Check Forms ONLY Traditional Forms
Key Worker Turn-In 68 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting Traditional form gift requests, Nexus, EEX & myPay award appreciation confirmation forms are collected and recorded on the envelope. Donor Gift Request Form Installation: ____________________________ Donor: _____________________________ Unit Name:____________________ Unit Code: __________________________ Gift Level: General Silver (one hour’s pay per pay period) Gold (two hour’s pay per pay period) Eagle Silver Eagle Golden Eagle I prefer not to receive a donor appreciation gift. Pledge Form Gift Request
Key Worker Turn-Ins 69 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Turn-Ins 70 ECC Collection from Department If collecting from larger organizations that have multiple departments, offices, units or even shifts (sub-sections), the DPO or UPO will track and turn in those pledges by the corresponding subsection. (ie HR, Finance, Customer Service etc. or Squadron 1, Squadron 2 etc) This ensures proper credit to each part of that organization AND if donor information has to be verified, it provides for a contact closer to the donor to validate. Each of these subsections should have envelope tracking 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4 on the reporting envelope, which would then be rubber banded together by the DPO or UPO. ECC / IPO or designated Finance officer will record multiple envelopes on organization ledger & turn-in to PCFO.
Turn-Ins 71 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Weekly Turn-Ins: Starting 10/19-12/18 – Irma’s Turn In sites: Larimer/Weld Co - Tuesday Boulder – Wednesday – Cari’s Turn In sites: Downtown – Tuesday South Denver – Wednesday Aurora & Buckley – Thursday USPS – Friday – Jen’s Turn In sites: Denver Fed Center/Lakewood – Tuesday
Turn-In Ledger 72 Ledger
Why do I have to do All of This 73 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 1. OIG tracking All pledge envelopes must be accounted for at all times If pledge envelopes were to be misplaced, the ECC/IPO would know from the ledger what envelopes were unaccounted for If the PCFO were to misplace envelopes the hub director could go back to the Ledger to track the date of the turn- in.
Why do I have to do All of This 74 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2. OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum OPM generally defines PII as information that: Can be used to discern or trace a person’s or entity’s identity; and alone or combined with other information can be used to compromise the integrity of agency records relating to a person by permitting access to unauthorized disclosure of these records Pledge form
PII Compliance 75 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum OPM defines OSI as any information: Related to the Federal donor or charitable entity that could alone, or combined with other information, be used to commit fraudulent acts against the Federal donor or charitable entity. For example, a donor’s home address, bank account number or routing number would constitute other sensitive information.
PII Compliance 76 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Campaign Responsibilities It is the local campaign’s responsibility to ensure it has implemented adequate controls to protect against the unauthorized release and misuse of personally identifiable and other sensitive information. Local campaigns are responsible for the proper handling of PII and OSI, regardless of location.
PII Compliance 77 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Campaign Responsibilities Restricting access to PII and OSI to only those individuals who have a business need for it Keeping paper documents with PII or OSI in locked storage rooms or safes which can only be accessed by authorized users or security personnel
PII Compliance 78 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Reporting PII Breaches A breach of PII or OSI includes the actual or suspected loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, or unauthorized access of PII or OSI whether physical or electronic
PII Compliance 79 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Reporting PII Breaches In accordance with 5 CFR § (b)(13) a LFCC is required to immediately report to OPM all potential PII data and OSI breaches -- whether they involve paper documents or electronic information. Potential PII data and OSI breaches must be reported within 30 minutes of discovery via telephone on (202) or at to OPM.
PII Compliance 80 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Reporting PII Breaches Both actual and suspected breaches should be reported, even if it is believed the breach is limited, small, or insignificant. In addition, the LFCC is reminded of its obligation to report all security incidents involving PII to US-CERT within the Department of Homeland Security (see US- CERT web site at cert.gov/federal/reportingRequirements.html) and providing notification to victims of PII or OSI breaches, as appropriate. cert.gov/federal/reportingRequirements.html
Solicitation Conclusion 81 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Electronic Giving turned off COB Dec 15 (regulations) All Contributions Received by DPO or UPO: December 16 Ensure CFC Staff has your totals for Awards Final Turn-Ins scheduled with PCFO Dec Ensure Donors receive appreciations awards
Campaign Recognition 82 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2015 Agency Hero Nominations All Federal Agency Campaign Team members may be nominated Submit Hero Nominations by December 15 Nominate anyone you see going above and beyond during the Campaign Heroes are selected by the LFCC and honored at the Campaign Celebration Heroes may also be submitted to National Awards Committee for National recognition
Campaign Recognition 83 Unit, Department and Organization Awards Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards Benchmark: 5% above 2014 campaign – silver award 75% of Benchmark – Bronze award 125% of Benchmark – Gold Award Award Distribution – ECCs and IPOs receive awards from PCFO – January Internal organization presentation CFC Commander’s call Staff Meeting
Campaign Recognition 84 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2015 Certificates of Appreciation Recognize all Keyworkers & Campaign Volunteers Track name, department, agency Agency generated & provided PCFO template provided Use certificate template provided May request them to be PCFO generated Forward completed template form list to PCFO Hub Director PCFO generated and provided
Campaign Celebration 85 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2015 Campaign Celebration – Late January TBA Hub Celebration Events Attend the Campaign Celebration Invite all campaign team members & donors Distribute event logistics The Celebration is for everyone who contributed to the campaign including donors and volunteers Attend the Campaign Celebration Agency Awards and Individual Recognition Hub Directors & Charities will be planning and hosting the event
Next Steps? 1. Go to the RMCFC Website to print off your ECC Handbook 2. Pick up materials starting Sept Plan to attend & promote the Kick-Off Fair October 15 11:30am- 1:00pm Bicentennial Park DFC Q&A: 86 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Questions? Q&A: 87 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
THANK YOU For going above & beyond! Q&A: 88 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!