Queen Elizabeth Energizes England
1580 Francis Drake Leads the “Sea dogs” Plundered Spanish ships and brought his stolen goods back to the Queen First Englishmen to circumnavigate the world
Account of Francis Drake Serious hatred of the Spaniards Serious love for the Queen What kind of a relationship do you think existed between Queen Elizabeth and Sir Francis Drake?
3 Major Causes for Conflict between England and Spain: 1)Spain is upset that England is plundering their ships: stealing their goods and killing their sailors 2)Queen Elizabeth “knights” Drake- ignoring much Spanish protest 3)England is now officially a Protestant nation: The Pope backs Spain in their quest to take over England
3 Major Effects of Conflict between England and Spain: 1)Spanish are offended by the Queens blatant disregard 2)Pope gives his blessing to the Spanish in the hopes of returning England to Catholicism 3) Spanish ships invade the English Channel
The ‘Invincible’ Armada Spanish ships invade British ships are lighter, faster, and more maneuverable Spanish are defeated This event begins the decline of the Spanish Empire
Golden Age for England Begins English become naval masters Literature Patriotism 1604 Peace Treaty with Spain
Roanoke Island Colony First settled men under Sir Walter Raleigh Raleigh returns to England, leaving behind settlement What’s next for England?
The Lost Colony Raleigh returns in second voyage with 117 settlers in 1587 Previous settlement has vanished What happened?