Quarterly CoC Meeting July 8, 2015.  Continuum of Care Overview  Committee Reports: ◦ HMIS ◦ Summer Point In Time (PIT) ◦ Communications ◦ Housing ◦


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Presentation transcript:

Quarterly CoC Meeting July 8, 2015

 Continuum of Care Overview  Committee Reports: ◦ HMIS ◦ Summer Point In Time (PIT) ◦ Communications ◦ Housing ◦ Grants ◦ Discharge  Unfinished Business ◦ City of Fredericksburg Social Services Use  New Business ◦ VHSP Grant Awards ◦ Homeless Veterans Working Group ◦ Upcoming Conferences / Events ◦ Discussion: Landlord Advisory Group ◦ Executive Committee Nominations and Voting  Agency Reports  Public Time

The Fredericksburg Regional CoC strives to develop, promote, and support a continuum of human services and housing opportunities that reduce and prevent homelessness in Planning District 16.

ServicePoint Implementation Updates ServicePoint Demo

◦ All former Pathways Compass user agencies are now using ServicePoint for active clients (as of 7/1) ◦ In the process of transferring all old Pathways client data into ServicePoint—may require several months ◦ Pathways was extended (at least) one month in order to continue pulling data ◦ FRCoC is interested in expanding ServicePoint usage to other community agencies  FRCoC can add agencies at any time—if interested, please see Teiji

Summer PIT: Quick Facts Volunteer Sign-Up Form Volunteer Training Dates

 Thursday, July 30 (all day)  Google Forms to be used for survey information collection  Volunteers needed ◦ Please fill out the Google Form below if you are interested in volunteering:  LINK HERE LINK HERE ◦ Contact Wilfred if you have any questions

 Volunteer Training Dates / Times: ◦ Wednesday, July 15 th : 11am – 12pm ◦ Wednesday, July 15 th : 5:30pm – 6:30pm ◦ Thursday, July 16 th : 11am – 12pm ◦ Thursday, July 16 th : 5:30pm – 6:30pm *If you can’t make any of these trainings, we can schedule an alternative date/time—please contact Wilfred

September 14 After Hours Event

 When: Monday, September 14, 2015  5pm – 7pm  Where: Kenmore Inn  Theme: Ending Veteran Homelessness in the Region by Veterans Day  FRCoC member agency representation  Guest List  $25 per agency  Commitment and guest list suggestion form: LINK HERE LINK HERE ◦ Will close Friday by 5pm for guest recommendations

Supported Affordable Housing Inventory for the region

Interest in additional Grants Committee Members Discussion of voting responsibilities HUD CoC Grant NOFA Release: potentially mid-July Grants Committee Meeting: July 31 st

Overview, history, and goals

For more information contact: Meghann Cotter (Micah Ministries) ◦ ◦ x13

VIRGINIA HOMELESS SOLUTIONS PROGRAM (fiscal years 2015 and 2016) - Year two request Organization ENTER REQUEST FOR YEAR TWO ONLY. Request must be in whole dollars with no $ sign. Totals will autocalculate. GRAND TOTAL Shelter Operations* Rapid Re-housing (Non-specific / all populations) Total Rapid Re- housing (Non-specific/ all populations)* Rapid Re- housing for Veterans* Prevention* Centralized / Coordinated Assessment* CoC/LPG Planning* HMIS* Administration* SUBTOTAL (VHSP Total for CAMS) * HOPWA (enter the total HOPWA request; detail must be provided below) RENEWAL Amount ADDITIONAL REQUEST FAHASS ,373 Empowerhouse44,076108,0647,350115,414 4,727164,217 Thurman Brisben Center78,24430,2818,57538,856 9,2873,751130,139 Micah Ecumenical Ministries27,115153,16619,600172,76675, ,337 Central Virginia Housing Coalition 42,4947,35049, ,26628,108 5,62611,466324,311 Hope House 82,8347,35090,184 4,390094,574 GWRC 0 24, Total149,435416,83950,225467,06475,900229,26628,10824,80319,86019,9451,014,381107,3731,121,754

◦ Goal: End veteran homelessness* for the region by November 11, 2015 (Veterans Day) ◦ Based on national goals included in the federal Opening Doors Strategic Plan ◦ $75,900 awarded to Micah Ministries for veteran- specific RRH via VHSP ◦ Will have monthly case conferencing meetings at least until December ◦ *To a Functional Zero level

 Data points so far: ◦ 20 homeless veterans on by-name list (as of 7/6) ◦ 13 have seen a VA social worker (most are working on HUD VASH voucher paperwork, waiting on a voucher, or have a voucher secured) ◦ 50% in Shelter, 50% unknown or living in a place not meant for human habitation ◦ 11 Veterans placed into permanent housing since mid-April

 Housing Progress (since mid-April): Date New to List Housed (via agency support or own own) Left Area Other Removed from List (Incarcerated, non-vet, or lost contact) Total Removed from List Currently on List Total Identified since 4/17 17-AprN/A Apr May May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul

 Remaining Meeting Schedule: ◦ August 5 th ◦ September 2 nd ◦ October 7 th ◦ November 4 th ◦ *December 2 nd When: 1:30pm Where: George Washington Regional Commission * Debrief and next steps for sustainability

 Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness (VCEH) Conference ◦ When: August ◦ Where: Midlothian, VA  OrgCode Leadership Academy ◦ When: October ◦ Where: Roanoke, WV  Governor’s Housing Conference ◦ When: November ◦ Where: Hampton, VA

 1 additional VHSP Recipient (Empowerhouse, FAHASS, Hope House, CVHC)  1 current or former homeless services consumer  1 local landlord or small business  1 additional at-large representative

 Spread the word about July 30 th PIT Count; ask people to sign up via Google Form: ◦ Click for Link to Form Click for Link to Form  Complete commitment form for FRCoC After Hours event: ◦ Click for Link to Form Click for Link to Form

FRCoC Contact Info: Teiji Epling