Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1078r2 Slide 1 802.11 WG Editor’s Meeting (Sept ‘15) Date: 2015-09-17 Authors: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 Slide WG Editor’s Meeting (Sept ‘15) Date: Authors: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 Slide 2 Volunteer Editor Contacts TGmc – Adrian Stephens – Edward Au – Emily Qi – TGah – Yongho Seok Alfred Asterjadhi – TGai – Lee Armstrong – Ping FANG TGaj – Jiamin CHEN – TGak – Donald Eastlake – Norm Finn – TGaq – Lee Armstrong – TGax – Robert Stacey – TGay – Carlos Cordeiro – Editors Emeritus: –TGaa – Alex Ashley – –TGac – Robert Stacey – –TGad – Carlos Cordeiro – –TGae – Henry Ptasinski – –TGaf – Peter Ecclesine – –TGaq – Dan Gal – Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 Update on numbering process Diane Lacey (from IEEE-SA) participates and describes the number alignment process in Document 11-11/1149r46 rows are described Updating of 1149 happens when a numbered draft is balloted, and occurs in parallel with balloting and comment resolution Sept 2015 Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems)Slide 3

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r Style Guide See wg11-style-guide.doc –We updated WG Style Guide based on 2012 IEEE Standards Style Manual and consistency changes in final publication of the standard Editor’s responsibility includes checking the 2014 IEEE Standards Style Manual when creating or updating drafts. c/mytools/draft/styleman.pdf c/mytools/draft/styleman.pdf Submissions with draft text should conform to both the WG11 Style Guide and IEEE Standards Style Manual Note that the Style Guide evolves with our practice Slide 4Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 Slide 5 Editor Amendment Ordering Amendment NumberTask GroupProjected REVCOM Date REVmcTGmc Jul Amendment 1TGai - 129Mar Amendment 2TGah - 581Mar Amendment 3TGaq - 15Nov Amendment 4TGak - 48Jan Amendment 5TGaj - 109Jun 2016*** Amendment 6TGaxMar 2019 Data as of Sept 2015 See In Nov 2014, Editors changed the running order and will revisit in November 2015, maintaining this order in the interim Amendment numbering is editorial! No need to make ballot comments on these dynamic numbers! Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 Most current doc shaded green. TG Published or Draft Baseline Documents SourceMDR Style GuideEditor Snapshot Date Publ ished mcaiahaqakajax mcY4.2 Frame 12.0 Yes2012Adrian Stephens Edward Au, Emily Qi 15-Sept aiN Frame 12.0 Yes2012Lee Armstrong Ping FANG 13-Sept ahN Frame 11.0 Yes2012Yongho Seok Alfred Asterjadhi 13-Sept aqN1.3 Frame 12.0 No2012Lee Armstrong13-Sept akN WordNo2012Donald Eastlake Norm Finn 15-Sept ajN0.6 Frame 10.0 No2012Jiamin Chen15-Sept axY No2012Robert Stacey12-May Changes from last report shown in red. Slide 6 Sept 2015 Draft Development Snapshot Slide 6Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Sept 2015

Submission doc.: IEEE /1078r2 MIB style, Visio and Frame practices I’m going to suggest going forward we use a single style with appropriately set tabs, and use leading Tabs to distinguish the syntax and description parts. (Adrian Stephens Feb 9, 2010) Figure in an anchored frame within a table, and use a table caption as a figure caption Keep embedded figures using visio as long as possible –Near the end of sponsor ballot, turn these all into.wmf (windows meta file) format files (you can do this from visio using “save as”). Keep separate files for the.vsd source and the.wmf file that is linked to from frame. There is likelihood we should use.emf Frame templates for 11aa, 11ac, 11af Text version of MIB is available (2012, ae2012, aa2012, ad2012, acD5.0, afD5.0. mcD3.0) Sept 2015 Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems)Slide 7