The Millennium Development Goals
Copy down the bullet points for an OVERVIEW Millennium Project goals: are they going to be met? Organizing a Millennium Project Campaign (MPC) Planning the MPC Representation and Advocacy Participation in the MPC Evaluating the impact of the MPC During Spring Term you will take part in the Millennium Project Campaign…
What are the Millennium Development Goals? LO 1 To understand what the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) are? LO 2 To consider why they are needed.
Nelson Mandela on poverty Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings’ London, 3 February 2005 Photo: Mark Davey / Oxfam
8 international development goals Agreed by all 192 countries of the UN in 2000 Set 2015 as a target date for completion The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
The Millennium Development Goals End Poverty and Hunger to halve the number of people living on less than $1 per day Universal Education to ensure all children attend primary school Gender Equality to end inequality between girls and boys and women and men Child Health to reduce the number of children who die before they are 5 years old by two thirds
Maternal Health reduce the number of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth by three quarters Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases provide universal treatment for HIV/AIDS and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Environmental Sustainability halve the number of people without access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and establish the principles of sustainable development Global Partnership establish a global partnership in which the rich countries work with the poor countries to deliver the MDGs
It’s now 2012 There are 3 years left to 2015
Task 1 You will now consider why the Millennium Development Goals are important Your teacher will give you a worksheet with one of the goals on it and an information sheet about world poverty Write down all of the problems that are linked to your MDG Be prepared to present your MDG and fast facts about poverty to the rest of the class
Plenary Now that you have listened to why all of the MDG’S are important your teacher will give you a ‘diamond 9’ worksheet Sort the MDG’S importance using a diamond with the most important at the top, think about how they are linked Be prepared to share your ideas with the rest of the class and explain your choices.
World Poverty What kind of world do we live in? 1.2bn people in extreme poverty (1 in 6 of the world’s population) – measured by the $1.25/day yardstick 67m children not in primary education In m children died before the age of 5 years – mainly from preventable causes 1 in 22 mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa die during pregnancy or childbirth 4bn people are vulnerable to the impact of climate change – 98% of them live in LEDCs 33.4m people live with HIV/AIDS – Two thirds are women and 2.1m are children