VALUE OF TRAINING n It equips employees to meet business objectives and satisfy customer needs n It is vital to attract, motivate, and retain desired employees n It helps a company keep pace with internal needs and external changes n It satisfies employees’ needs for job and career growth
n It can refresh old skills and teach new talents to further career development n It helps a company adapt to the ever- changing external environment n It allows a company to meet changing workforce composition and turnover rates n It helps enable a company to be in compliance with employment laws and regulations
NEEDS ASSESSMENT n Identifies the performance areas in which additional training is needed n Pinpoints the individuals or groups of employees who could most benefit from the training n Maximizes the efficiency of training efforts n Creates ownership of training programs
IMPLEMENTING THE TRAINING PROGRAM n Prior to the start of training, sell the program to employees and senior management - Positive Business Impact n Address training subjects, class schedules, number of trainees, instructors, budget requirements, and recordkeeping needs
THE "MAKE-OR-BUY" DECISION n Design and deliver training programs in- house, or n Purchase a commercially marketed training program & present using in-house staff, or n Contract with an outside training resource
EVALUATING OUTSIDE TRAINING PROGRAMS n Consider programs in light of company training objectives n Evaluate program content n Evaluate the providers' credentials n Consider scheduling n Weigh other factors
INTERNAL TRAINING ISSUES n How often and how many? n Generic skills or a specific technical need? n Lower-level or upper-level staff? n Program involve proprietary information? How urgently is the training needed?
KEYS TO ADULT LEARNING n High motivation n Active learning n Pleasant learning environment n Logical and orderly presentations n Immediate and individualized feedback n Behavioral models n Links between the old and the new n Planned redundancy and repetition
LEARNING TRANSFER n Cooperative program design n Supervisor support for employee development n Organizational policies that promote training n Well-planned training schedules
DESIGNING TRAINING PROGRAMS n What are the company’s strategic objectives? n What new skills will the company need in the future? n What training do employees lack? n Which needs are the most immediate? n What are the training (behavioral) objectives? n What method of instruction is the most effective for the particular employees and topics? n What training materials will the course require? n Are these materials available from outside training resources or should they be developed in house?
n How long will the training take? n Where & when will the program be held? n Who should serve as program instructor? n How will the training be evaluated? n How much will the training cost?
INSTRUCTIONAL STYLE n Lectures n Discussions n Structured approaches: n Programmed Instruction n Computer-based Instruction n Nonstructured approaches: n Case Studies n Role-plays n Simulations
DEVELOPING THE PROGRAM OUTLINE n Introduction: Begin training where participants are! n Get participants’ attention - a compelling opener n Present training objectives - challenge them to learn n Define, Explain and Give Information n Demonstration and Practice - Conduct Individual and Group Learning Activities n Review and Summarize n Assign Followup Activities to Reinforce Learning
EVALUATING THE TRAINING PROGRAM n A favorable reaction to training does not assure learning n Measure learning on a “before - after” basis n Measure training in terms of business results n Do a cost/benefit analysis: n What revenue or cost-savings resulted from training? n What did the training cost, including, direct costs and lost productivity of participants while being trained
TRAINING EVALUATION PROCESS n Begins before any employee receives training n Formative evaluation - the participant · One-to-one assessment - Tests, Simulations, observations · Small group evaluation · Field testing n Summative evaluation - the training
EVALUATION APPROACHES n For job skills: n Demonstration n Job performance n For knowledge: n Pencil/paper test n Case studies n Role plays n For Cost-effectiveness n Measure Business Impact n Compare with Training Cost
TRACK TRAINING INFORMATION n Employee Records n Individual Training Needs n Employee Skills n Employee licenses & Certifications n Cost Analysis by: n Attendee n Course n Job n Department n Return on Investment n Training Announcements n Schedule of Classes n Class Rosters n Prerequisites n Instructors n Employee Levels n Enrollment Status n Course Catalogs n Course, Instructor & Employee Evaluations
“Maximizing Return on Human Capital” Copyright © 2007 Human Resources Management Associates, Inc.; All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this material or portions thereof in any form.