By Jamie and Kieran
Waxy substance produced by the Liver One of Lipids Used to make Cell Membranes and Hormones Most of the Cholesterol comes from the Liver
Carbohydrates break down to sugars Two types Carbohydrates – Simple (Sugars) – Complex (Starches) Simple Sugars turn into Insulin Insulin moves sugar from blood to cells
Simple Sugars go fast (Get Hungry faster) Complex Sugars keep you full longer Different Carbs rise your blood sugar at different levels Eat more Carbs get more fibre
Fat helps develop brain and nervous system 30% of diet should be fat Fats provide a concentrated source of energy Three types of Fat – Unsaturated Fat – Saturated Fat – Trans Fat
Saturated fat raises cholesterol in the blood Unsaturated fats are good for heart health Trans Fats raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart diseases Fats fuel the body and help it develop
Proteins are the primary component of numerous body tissues Protein is a main content of muscle tissue Protein help repair muscle tissue Muscles and Immune system made up of protein
If your more active your proteins break down faster Your body produces many proteins everyday Protein is the second most plentiful substance for you
Vitamins are substances that our body needs Vitamin D in milk helps your bones Vitamin A in carrots helps you see Vitamin C in oranges helps your body heal B vitamins gives your body protein and energy Vitamin A cantaloupe, mangoes, carrots, fish & eggs Vitamin C Red and green peppers, cabbage, oranges & strawberries Vitamin B milk, cheese, liver, eggs & pork
Vitamin D milk is fortified with vitamin D Facts about vitamins Your body does not make its own vitamins Eat different foods to get an assortment of vitamins You can take a daily vitamin tablet if necessary There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissues of the body
chemical elements required by living organisms W hat minerals do Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy The body uses minerals to perform many different functions The two kinds of minerals are: macrominerals and trace minerals Macrominerals – larger amounts Trace minerals – smaller amounts were you can fine them Calcium which makes bones stronger can be found in dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt Iron which is found in your blood meat, especially red meat, such as beef
Potassium keeps your muscles and nervous system working properly bananas, leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli citrus fruits, like oranges Zinc helps your immune system legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts Facts : You lose some minerals during digestion Nearly everything we eat contains minerals Too much mineral intake can cause harm
is the indigestible portion of plant foods What it does: It changes the way nutrients and chemicals are absorbed in the intestinal tract. Example of food that have it: whole-grain breads and cereals apples oranges bananas berries prunes pears
Water-soluble fiber Regulates the flow of waste materials through the digestive tract Stablizies blood sugar Insoluble fiber Cannot be digested Scours wall of intestines, removing waste material Facts: As you increase your fiber intake, increase the amount of water you drink as well. You can take fiber supplements each day (often in powdered or tablet form) Men need more fiber than women