Scientific Applications of XML Arvind Hulgeri, Shantanu Godbole
MathML Math Markup Language
MathML Objectives Encode mathematical material for teaching and scientific communication Encode both mathematical notation and mathematical meaning Facilitate conversion to and from other math formats, both presentational and semantic. e.g., Tex, braille Allow the passing of information intended for specific renderers and applications Provide for extensibility Be human legible, and simple for software to generate and process
Presentation and Content Markup Presentation markup Captures notational structure Facilitate rendering to various media Content markup Captures mathematical structure Facilitate the assignment of mathematical meaning to an expression Can be mixed together
Example: a + b Presentation: a + b Content: a b
Example: (a + b) 2 Presentation: a + b 2 Content: a b 2
Annotations t 0 dx x ∫ 0 t ⅆ x x Presentation
Annotations x 0 t 1 x Content t 0 dx x
Annotations Content encoding Presentation encoding
Why Two Markups? Same notation may represent several mathematical ideas x i = x power i = i th element of vector x Same mathematical idea often has several notations n C m
CML Chemical Markup Language
CML – What it does Universal, platform and application independent format for storing and exchanging chemical information Publishing, querying, communicating chemical information for both humans and machines Facilitate conversion to and from legacy formats used by popular chemical editing and display programs
CML – The need Absence of mechanisms in HTML for directly handling chemical information e.g. molecular structures and spectra Difficulties in automatically recognizing and extracting chemical data Development and extension of a Chemical Markup Language (CML) and techniques to allow the display of molecules, spectra and reactions within a web browser
CML Objectives A present day online chemical paper might consist of HTML text, static bit-map images, diagrams and molecular structures from an external legacy data file (e.g. MOL, PDB) The external data files become isolated from the text and from each other Need for a single, human readable format combining both textual and non textual information within a single document
CML – Chemical components Chemical Components (e.g.,, ) used to indicate chemical 'objects'. E.g. a will contain a of s, which in turn have three s specifying Cartesian coordinates for each atom
Partial XML file - “ethanol” <molecule title="ethanol" id="mol_ethanol" xmlns="x-schema:cml_schema_ie_02.xml" convention="mol" > C2 H6 O C …
Some XSL processing Molecule ID: Formula: CAS: Alternate Names:,
Web Resources MathML CML
Other Scientific Applications Wireless Markup Language (WML) wml.html Bioinformatics Sequence Markup Language (BSML) html The BIOpolymer Markup Language (BIOML)
Other Scientific Applications(contd…) Vector Markup Language (VML) Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) html XML Digital Signature (Signed XML) smartX ['SmartCard'] Markup Language (SML)
Other Scientific Applications(contd…) Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL) Weather Observation Markup Format (OMF) html X-ACT - XML Active Content Technologies Council
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Last but not the least!!! /~dbms/Data/Conferences /XMLWorkshop/