Revision Project of the Business Register (BR) and Business Statistics in September 2013 Tuula Viitaharju
Background of the revision project Business Register in Finland: active legal units The origin was Business Censuses in 1953,1963 Regular maintenance started since 1968 the technical service life of the present BR data system is coming to an end; the previous system revision was made in The project was started first as Business Register revision project Very soon in the definition phase it was realised that it would be more feasible to establish an integrated Business Statistics System 16/08/20132Business Statistics
Background / present status description Overlapping work is made between different business statistics systems Data copies are made and data are processed differently Changes are made to several different databases or in the worst case errors are corrected only in one place! Different definitions in different databases/production systems Unit structures (establishment, enterprise, etc.), varibles (NACE, sector, turnover, employment...) -> inconsistent statistics Modernisation of the whole Business Statistics system was needed Move from separate stovepipe data systems to an integrated and consistent Business Statistics System 16/08/20133Business Statistics
Present status description BR Data copies SBS Corrections? STS Corrections? Others 4 Legal Unit Industry Sector Turnover … LKAU Industry Sector Turnover … Local Unit Industry Sector Turnover … Legal Unit Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … LKAU Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … KAU Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … Legal Unit Industry3 Sector3 Turnover3 … KAU Industry3 Sector3 Turnover3 … Legal Unit Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … LKAU Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … KAU Industry2 Sector2 Turnover2 … Publication1 Publication2 Publication3 Process B Process C Process D Strategies International regulations and decrees Technical age Process A 16/08/2013Business Statistics
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16/08/20136Business Statistics Statistical systems in the integrated system ( defining phase 2009 ) 1. ”Dependent” statistics of the integrated production database A. Business Register B. SBS and other statistics: * Financial statement * Regional and industrial statistics * International trade in services * FATS statistics (inward and outward) * Industrial output / Commodity (PRODCOM) C. STS statistics (partial integration) 2. ”Independent and small” statistics to the warehouse: Business services (the first system) Others in near future
Yritysten suhdanteet / Yritysrekisteri Collected results of the desired state Yritystilastojen yhteiset asiat Yritystietovaraston määrittely System partKey development targetsBenefits to be gained Reception of administrative data Utilisation of metadata Process management Variable editor and editing Intensification / Introduction of uniform practices to pre-checking of data Direct data collections Uniform tools Facilitation of responding Improvement of quality and intensification of activity Databases Adoption of the enterprise concept Uniform production database Improvement of quality International comparability Non-response and response burden get smaller Application programs and processing of data Intensification of processing (decrease of applications) Introduction of a process management application Improvement of quality and intensification of activity Warehouse of data on enterprises Uniform location for data on enterprises Basic data search Comparison of data Coherence of statistics Statistics and products Introduction of a unit information service (Internet) Adoption of a chargeable target group definition service (Internet) Improvement of quality and intensification of activity Improvement of customer service 16/08/20137Business Statistics
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Clarification of the Vision
Raw warehouses of data collections Original data from both administrative files and direct data collections are in safekeeping and usable No corrections are made to data contents Data are technically corrected (formats), Data are as ordered Validity of data has been established (no major deficiencies) Source data have been described into the metadata system Standardised procedures (e.g. data descriptions) and tools for data reception 16/08/201310Business Statistics
Enterprise production database Place for processing unit-specific data Unfinished data (controlled with quality variables) Automatic and manual validation phases, editing and imputation Conversion of data collection units into statistical units Unit-level data are validated with the "Unit data processing application” 16/08/201311Business Statistics
Enterprise data warehouse Data selections and inquiries Updating once a day, timed overnight Data in a consistent place and format (classifications and unit structures) Passive, i.e. data are not validated direct into the data warehouse but changes are made via the production database Initially comprises the contents of the enterprise production database) All data of business statistics in the long run Different application alternatives for browsing data 16/08/201312Business Statistics
Data extractions Unit data extractions File extractions Compilation processes of statistics Updates of external information services (Internet) Information and researcher services National Accounts system extraction Archiving 16/08/201313Business Statistics
Progress of the process Managed with the process management application We know where we are Tasks are performed in the right order (e.g. data selections after certain checks) Activation of automatic and manual work phases Tasks have contact/responsibility persons Documentation on sub-tasks easily accessible Planned dates of completion and tracking of adherence to them (→ automatic messages) 16/08/201314Business Statistics
Metadata "Technical and file metadata", e.g.: Names and properties of variables Classifications Managed with variable and classification editors "Application program metadata" "Process metadata" Information from the process management application, e.g. Who has done and what Schedules, etc. Managed with the process editor 16/08/201315Business Statistics
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Where we are now Plan: Implementation 2014 in phases Implementation will start 2013 Data conversion November – December 2013 After that data collection for annual statistics concerning statistical year 2013 will start 16/08/201317Business Statistics
18 Further information about the revision Mr Sami Saarikivi tel Thank you for your attention ! Tuula Viitaharju tel /08/2013Business Statistics