RtII & Title 1 Dr. Diane Barrie Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment October 4, 2012
Agenda Core Beliefs What is RtII? Essential Components of RtII
We Believe… All students can learn and grow. They may not learn the same way or at the same rate, but it is our challenge to unlock the door for each child into the world of literacy. We can effectively teach all children.
What Is RtII? Multistep approach to helping each individual student reach his or her maximum potential designed to… ▫help students who struggle with learning by providing scientifically-based reading programs (“interventions”) ▫address the needs of students who are performing at grade level by providing enrichment activities in reading and writing
Essential Components 1.High-quality, standards-aligned classroom instruction and interventions 2.Tiered instruction 3.Ongoing student assessment 4.Parent involvement
Instruction and Interventions Core Program – for all studentCore Program Intervention Programs: ▫FundationsFundations ▫Making ConnectionsMaking Connections ▫Foutnas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy InterventionFoutnas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention
Tiered Instruction Tier 3: Intensive Support ▫very small group (2-5) with a reading specialist or instructional intervention specialist Tier 2: Strategic Support ▫support in a smaller group (5- 8) with a reading specialist or instructional intervention specialist Tier 1: Benchmark Support ▫enrichment reading program for students at or above grade level Tier 3 Intervention For a Few Students 5% Tier 2 Intervention for Some students 15% Tier 1 Foundations Standards-Aligned Instruction For All Students 80%
Determining Tier Placement Results of universal screeners Teacher Observation Classroom Performance Tiers are fluid Parents informed of child’s tier placement Tier Time = TEAM TIME (Together Everyone Achieves More)
Ongoing Student Assessment DIBELS - The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills - Grades K-4 CORE Phonics - Grades K, 1, 2 4Sight - Grades 3 and 4 STAR Reader – Grades 2, 3, 4
Tier I - BENCHMARK GROUP Enrichment materials used to challenge higher level thinking skills, enrich vocabulary and motivate independent learning styles: - guided reading books - chapter books/novels - author study - research projects - Harcourt Challenge Kit - Readers Theater - Response to literature activities
Tier II - STRATEGIC INTERVENTION Students who need support with grade level curriculum Interventions based on researched programs delivered with fidelity that are specialized and based on student needs
Tier III - INTENSIVE INTERVENTION Students who are not making adequate progress and need additional support Interventions delivered with fidelity that address student needs in an intensive and explicit way using strategies based on research
Progress Monitoring Tier 2 – students monitored every two weeks Tier 3 – students monitored every week
Who is on the Core RtII Team? Principal Reading Specialist Instructional Intervention Specialist Counselor Speech and Language Clinician Math Specialist ESL Teacher Special Area Teachers
How Can Parents Help? READ! Read with your child daily Read to your child Listen to your child read Ask questions about the story Have your child ask you questions about the story Show your child you are a reader, too
RtII Information on the MSD Website